From the #1 New York Times bestselling author, bite-sized inspiration and guidance to keep your transformation on trackFor anyone who has ever had trouble staying motivated while trailblazing towards badassery, You Are a Badass Every...
Motivation (Psychology)
- Author:Sincero, JenSummary:
- Author:Summary:
Why We Fightexamines the face of battle as experienced by Canadians, offering key insights on combat motivation theories, and exploring sexual violence in war, professionalism, organisations, leadership, shared intent, motivation in...
- Author:Flanders, CaitSummary:
In her late twenties, Cait Flanders found herself stuck in the consumerism cycle that grips so many of us: earn more, buy more, want more, rinse, repeat. Even after she worked her way out of nearly $30,000 of consumer debt, her old...
- Author:Beeler, ToddSummary:
Motivation expert Todd Beeler has drawn on the latest findings on motivation from over 100 researchers to develop his proven-effective program, which has helped thousands of clients finally unlock their full potential. The Seven Hidden...
- Author:Garland, JimSummary:
THE PRACTICAL GUIDE TO EXCEPTIONAL LIVING IS A MUST READ FOR ANYONE LOOKING FOR EASY TO USE IDEAS TO IMPROVE THEIR LIFE ON ANY LEVEL. Forget the old work ethic of putting in 60-80 hour weeks and not having a life outside of your work...
- Author:Bentley, KarenSummary:
The Power To Stop is for everyone who wants to use the power of non-romantic love to stop an out-of-control behavior, bad habit or addiction. It’s revolutionary because it teaches stopping as a set of four practical, easy skills to be...
- Author:Smith, JimSummary:
Almost everyone is guilty of playing the blame game. It's satisfying and easy to do. If we despise our work, we can blame our manager or even our short-sighted organization for its inability to recognize our genius. If our personal...
- Author:Gordon, JonSummary:
Gordon takes listeners on an enlightening journey revealing 10 secrets for approaching life and work with the kind of positive, forward thinking that leads to true accomplishment. Drawing upon his experience and work with thousands of...
- Author:Greene, RobertSummary:
A NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER. From the world's foremost expert on power and strategy comes a daily devotional designed to help you seize your destiny. Robert Greene, the #1 New York Times bestselling author, has been the consigliere...
- Author:Iverson, LarrySummary:
IAre you living on purpose or are you living on accident? This book will give you a comprehensive formula for generating the success you desire, both personally and professionally.
- Author:Sternfeld, Jon, Stein, AlanSummary:
Based on his years as a successful basketball performance coach, Alan Stein brings you the keys to lasting, unimaginable success. The secret? Return to the basics. They're simple, but they're not easy. But the truth is that...
- Author:Rosseau, James B.Summary:
It's up to you to create your custom-tailored career and define success your way. How? Combine your burning passion with drive, determination, strategy, and commitment to pay it forward; and find and nurture mentor support, stay steady...
- Author:Morgan, AngieSummary:
Leadership isn't about a job title - it's about action and behavior. In SPARK, entrepreneurs, business consultants and military Veterans Angie Morgan, Courtney Lynch, and Sean Lynch show how anyone can become an extraordinary leader by...
- Author:Johnston, MikeSummary:
Simply the Best delivers rare insights on success straight from the hearts and minds of winning coaches Scotty Bowman, Marc Crawford, Jacques Demers, Clare Drake, Ken Hitchcock, Mike Keenan, Dave King, George Kingston, Andy Murray,...
- Author:Dorland, JasonSummary:
A former Olympic rower reflects on his evolution from ultra-competitive athlete to supportive coach and offers his game-changing thoughts on achieving success. Once the embodiment of an aggressive athlete, Jason Dorland used to identify...
- Author:Ariely, DanSummary:
Bestselling author Dan Ariely reveals fascinating new insights into motivation--showing that the subject is far more complex than we ever imagined. Every day we work hard to motivate ourselves, the people we live with, the people who...
- Author:Goggins, DavidSummary:
The stories and lessons in this raw, revealing, unflinching memoir offer the reader a blueprint they can use to climb from the bottom of the barrel into a whole new stratosphere that once seemed unattainable. Whether you feel off-course...
- Author:Miller, William R.Summary:
Since the initial publication of this breakthrough work, motivational interviewing (MI) has been used by countless clinicians. Theory and methods have evolved apace, reflecting new knowledge on the process of behavior change, a growing...
- Author:Beck, Robert C.Summary:
- Author:Rizzo, PaulaSummary:
- Vous avez l’impression de n’accomplir que le quart de vos tâches. - Vous craignez constamment d’oublier quelque chose. - Vous courez tout le temps après votre queue. - Vous croyez que le stress aura raison de votre santé mentale....