Network marketing has helped people all over the world achieve financial independence—and it can help you do the same. As a profession, network marketing invites all people, regardless of gender, experience, education, or financial...
Multilevel marketing
- Author:Ziglar, Zig, Hayes, John P.Summary:
- Author:Paulson, Emily LynnSummary:
She signed up for the sisterhood, free cars, and the promise of a successful business of her own. Instead, she ended up with an addiction, broken friendships, and the rubble of a toppled pyramid . . . scheme. Hey, Hun: Sales,...
- Author:Michael J. DurkinSummary:
Vous êtes sur le point d'apprendre des secrets que ne connaîtront jamais la plupart des réseauteurs en relation avec le fait de créer des contacts et de fixer des rendez-vous, s'ils n'ont pas lu ce livre. - Comment...