In a desperate attempt for survival, a peaceful civilization on a faraway planet besieged by a dark lord sends its most precious gift across the cosmos into the lunchbox of Tommy Pepper, sixth grader, of Plymouth, Massachusetts.
- Author:Schmidt, Gary D.Summary:
- Author:Martin, KatSummary:
Five years ago, Rafael, Duke of Sheffield, believed he was betrayed by the woman he loved, and the pain haunts him still. When Rafe discovers that he was cruelly tricked and that Danielle Duval was never unfaithful, he's desperate to...
- Author:Smith, HeatherSummary:
Angus loves sparkly things, so much so that he can hear them. To Angus, shiny objects not only look beautiful; they also crackle, buzz and go whiz-bang-POP! His unique ability is lost, however, when Angus wears his grandma's...