This gripping novel for young readers begins in 1805, when fifteen-year-old Duncan Scott and his sister Libby lose their parents in a Glasgow cotton mill fire. Their tragedy is compounded when, through one reckless act of grief, the...
North West Company
- Author:Starr, DavidSummary:
- Author:Ternier Gordon, IreneSummary:
High finance, wilderness adventures, violence, and questionable legal tactics all played important roles in the history of the North West Company. William McGillivray, head of the company from 1804 until 1821, was arguably the most...
- Author:Brown, Jennifer S. H.Summary:
The North American fur trade of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries was a vividly complex and changing social world. Strangers in Blood fills a major gap in fur trade literature by systematically examining the traders as a group --...