This delightful story for children ages four and up tells the story of a poor boy with a vivid imagination. The Festival of Kites will award a prize to the person with the smallest kite. Though he cannot afford a kite, Eddie Wing flies...
Poor children
- Author:Trottier, MaxineSummary:
- Author:Mahon, AnneSummary:
With a foreword by Beatrice Mosionier. Abandonment, loss, endless transitions, self-reliance, continued persistence, and fierce beauty all coexist in this compelling collection of stories of ten women who journey from victims of the...
- Author:Watson, CristySummary:
In most ways, Poe is like the other kids in his school. He thinks about girls and tries to avoid teachers. He hangs out at the coffee shop with his best friend after school. He has a loving father who helps him with his homework. But...
- Author:Knight, CheleneSummary:
From Vancouver-based writer Chelene Knight, Dear Current Occupant is a creative non-fiction memoir about home and belonging set in the 80s and 90s of Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside. Using a variety of forms, Knight reflects on her...