Dans ce livre, Theriault décrit son expérience dans la mine du comté de Pictou, ses combats personnels à la suite du désastre et la façon dont il a donné un sens nouveau à sa vie en participant à la campagne de lobbying de...
Post-Confederation (1867-)
- Author:Theriault, VernonSummary:
- Author:Gélinas, PaulineSummary:
La trahison, dans toutes ses déclinaisons. Jusqu'à la dépossession. C'est ce qui est au cœur de La Brochure, où alternent constamment les époques et où foisonnent les revirements de situation. Dans cette épopée, cupidité et...
- Author:Ferguson, Barry, Wardhaugh, RobertSummary:
The Rowell-Sirois Commission and the Remaking of Canadian Federalisminvestigates the groundbreaking inquiry launched to reconstruct the federal system - revealing its impact on the high politics of federal-provincial relations and its...
- Author:Castonguay, StéphaneSummary:
The Government of Natural Resourcesexplores the development of scientific and technical activity in Quebec from Confederation until the eve of the Second World War. At the turn of the twentieth century, the provincial government created...
- Author:Merasty, Joseph AugusteSummary:
Named the fourth most important 'Book of the Year' by the National Post in 2015 and voted 'One Book/One Province' in Saskatchewan for 2017, The Education of Augie Merasty launched on the front page of The Globe and...
- Author:Wells, KarinSummary:
In the spring of 1970, seventeen women set out from Vancouver in a big yellow convertible, a Volkswagen bus, and a pickup truck. They called it the Abortion Caravan. Three thousand miles later, they “occupied” the prime minister’s front...
- Author:Lewis, RobertSummary:
An intimate history of the journalists who covered Canadian history, and made some of their own. The history of the press gallery is rich in anecdotes about the people on Parliament Hill who have covered 23 prime ministers and 42...
- Author:Dussault, SandraSummary:
En passant par cette porte, tu trouveras ce que tu cherches, mais aussi ce que tu n'as jamais cherché… Féroce et irascible comme le carcajou, Lucy Wolvérène, 17 ans, sent la colère bouillir en elle depuis qu'elle a été arrachée à la...
- Author:Driedger, MaryLouSummary:
Set between Kansas and Saskatchewan in 1907, this middle-grade novel follows a young boy who gets separated from his family en route to Canada and must find his way alone across the immense prairie landscape. Following the sudden death...
- Author:Boismenu, GérardSummary:
Les Trente Glorieuses : c'est l'expression consacrée pour désigner la période qui va de la fin de la Deuxième Guerre mondiale jusqu'au «choc pétrolier» de 1973. Ce sont des années de forte croissance économique pour l...
- Author:Summary:
Les « années 1968 » se caractérisent par une forte résurgence des nationalismes minoritaires, des régionalismes protestataires et des aspirations autochtones dans le monde occidental – de la Bretagne au Québec en passant par la...
- Author:Croteau, Jean-Philippe, Lévesque, StéphaneSummary:
L'avenir du passé présente les résultats d'une vaste enquête sur la mémoire et la conscience historique du Canada français au sein de la jeunesse francophone du Québec et de l'Ontario. L'enquête soulève la question du rapport que des...
- Author:Fraser, Greg N.Summary:
An intriguing look at the accomplishments and contradictions of Joseph William McKay, best known as the founder of Nanaimo, BC, and one of the most successful Métis men to rise through the ranks of the Hudson's Bay Company in the...
- Author:Dublin, AnneSummary:
A children's book inspired by the true story of Jewish orphans who came to Canada to learn farming only to find their way to Carnegie Hall. Thirteen-year-old Jacob's life is hard in 1920s Poland, where he lives in an orphanage for...
- Author:Rozum, Molly P.Summary:
An exploration of modern regionalism and senses of place developing among generations of settler colonial society on North America's northern grasslands.
- Author:Michaud, JacintheSummary:
From the mid-1960s to the mid-80s, feminist activism in North America and Europe reached its peak, animated by a disparate array of issues and ideas. Frontiers of Feminism compares Québécois and Italian feminisms, revealing both the...
- Author:Healey, HaleySummary:
An inspiring and eye-opening collection of true stories about fourteen women who blazed their own trails in life and contributed in a fundamental way to the history of Vancouver Island and the surrounding islands. In this fascinating...
- Author:Dick, LyleSummary:
In this newly revised edition of the widely praised original, published in 1989, Lyle Dick revisits the Abernethy district of Saskatchewan and his microhistorical analysis of the development of this prairie community. Between 1882 and...
- Author:Poplak, LornaSummary:
Shining a light on the dark history of hangings in Canada. Take a journey through notable cases in Canada's criminal justice history, featuring well-known and some less-well-known figures from the past. You'll meet Arthur...
- Author:Savage, CandaceSummary:
Lorsqu'elle emménage dans sa nouvelle maison de Saskatoon, Candace Savage découvre avec étonnement que celle-ci a été construite par une famille francophone. Comment les Blondin ont-ils abouti dans un quartier alors considéré comme...