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Prose poems, Canadian

  • Author:
    Kenyon, Michael

    Michael Kenyon's Rack of Lamb is a compelling study in voice. Organized loosely around various foods, the book brings together the voices of several women and a young girl, all from the same community but representing various...

  • Author:
    Joseph, Eve

    These short, condensed prose poems demonstrate that the illogical has a logic of its own, and that the "real is underpinned by the surreal, rather than the other way around.

  • Author:
    Priest, Robert

    Daring new verse from one of Canada's most-established poets

    Previously Feared Darkness picks up and pulls at the vibrant threads of Robert Priest's last collection, Reading the Bible Backwards. One...

  • Author:
    Kennedy, Bill , Wershler-Henry, Darren

    you are entirely happy with your poem / you are not happy then there is no charge and your deposit is returned / you are totally satisfied with the outcome / you are a man / you are a little confused / you are entirely happy with your...

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