For many Loyalists during the American War for Independence, the perilous journey to Canada is just the beginning of a long and arduous struggle to find a new home and a new life amid the upheavals of war and separation, death and...
- Author:Fischer-Brown, KathySummary:
- Author:Meunier, StéfaniSummary:
Quatre ans après la mort de son père, la narratrice, qui vit seule avec ses deux enfants, tombe sur une vieille photo de lui entouré de cinq personnes qu'elle ne connaît pas. Grâce aux souvenirs recueillis auprès des vivants, elle...
- Author:Labonté, AlainSummary:
Voilà un livre absolument étonnant dans lequel Alain Labonté se révèle sans fausse pudeur, tout en abordant les grands thèmes de l'amour filial, du respect de la différence et de la fraternité humaine. Dans sa préface,...
- Author:MacLennan, HughSummary:
"Northwest of Montreal, through a valley always in sight of the low mountains of the Laurentian Shield, the Ottawa River flows out of Protestant Ontario into Catholic Quebec. It comes down broad and ale-coloured and joins the Saint...
- Author:DyckFehderau, RuthSummary:
This is a collection of literary creative non-fiction stories of James Bay Cree First Nations people who are living with diabetes.
- Author:Penny, LouiseSummary:
Hardly a day goes by when nine year old Laurent Lepage doesn't cry wolf. From alien invasions, to walking trees, to winged beasts in the woods, to dinosaurs spotted in the village of Three Pines, his tales are so extraordinary no one...
- Author:Penny, LouiseSummary:
Happily retired in the village of Three Pines, Armand Gamache, former Chief Inspector of Homicide with the SUretE du QuEbec, has found a peace he'd only imagined possible. On warm summer mornings he sits on a bench holding a small book...
- Author:Bouchard, SergeSummary:
The Laughing People, translated from the award-winning Le peuple rieur, conveys the richness and resilience of the Innu while reminding us of the forces - old and new - that threaten their community. This memoir and tribute tells the...
- Author:Summary:
"The Invisible Communityis a timely addition to the literature on immigrant integration in Quebec. The South Asian population of Quebec is generally understudied and this book helps fill that gap, providing English-language readers with...
- Author:Brooke, FrancesSummary:
Frances Brooke was an 18th century British novelist, playwright, essayist and translator. Under the pseudonym of "Mary Singleton, Spinster," she edited thirty-seven issues of her own weekly periodical, "Old Maid" (1755-1756). In 1769...
- Author:Castonguay, StéphaneSummary:
The Government of Natural Resourcesexplores the development of scientific and technical activity in Quebec from Confederation until the eve of the Second World War. At the turn of the twentieth century, the provincial government created...
- Author:Penny, LouiseSummary:
A vast abandoned home. A chilling séance. A sudden death. To Chief Inspector Armand Gamache, it's the stuff of an old novel - but when he discovers the victim was murdered, a sinister shadow falls over the town of Three Pines, and an...
- Author:Poulin, AndréeSummary:
The legendary goalie who revolutionized the game of hockey - Young Jacques Plante's way of playing hockey may look different from everyone else's. Instead of a puck, he uses a tennis ball, and his shin pads are made out of potato sacks...
- Author:Reichs, KathySummary:
Forensic anthropologist Tempe Brennan investigates the death of a man who appears to have died while engaged in a bizarre sexual act and who was originally declared dead four decades earlier.
- Author:Meunier, SylvainSummary:
Jean-Benoît Bastarache est un jeune hippie qu'on initie progressivement au crime. D'abord envoûté par «Mamour», qui lui apprend les plaisirs de la chair, il se laisse ensuite entraîner dans le commerce illicite des stupéfiants. L'église...
- Author:Woods, JaneSummary:
Set in a small town in Quebec, Running Downhill Like Water is made up of four interconnected stories spanning fifty years of the lives of four people whose prospects have been violently shattered. Lucy, a perennial misfit, is thwarted...
- Author:Little, J.I.Summary:
The personal journals examined in Reading the Diaries of Henry Trentare not the witty, erudite, and gracefully written exercises that have drawn the attention of most biographers and literary scholars. Prosaic, ungrammatical, and poorly...
- Author:Mercure, Luc.Summary:
Mai 1983. Un jeune étudiant en littérature se fait agresser par un homme qu'il a suivi chez lui au Port de mer, une tour d'habitation située près du métro Longueuil. Il n'en parlera à personne. Pendant les mois qui...
- Author:Dechêne, LouiseSummary:
Covering a period that runs from the founding of the colony in the early seventeenth century to the conquest of 1760, People, State, and War under the French Regime in Canadais a study of colonial warriors and warfare that examines the...
- Author:Plouffe, YvesSummary:
Le deuxième référendum au Québec, celui tenu en 1995, fut un moment charnière historique pour cette province et pour le Canada. Mais, on n'a pas tout dit sur lui encore. Souvent, le plus important n'est pas divulgué...