Presented in light-hearted, rib-tickling verse that's perfect for reading aloud, You Can Read sings it loud and proud: Books are awesome. And so are the people who read them. In this fun and funny celebration of literacy, kids of...
- Author:Becker, HelaineSummary:
- Author:Farina, LauraSummary:
A funny and bighearted tale about what makes a story good. The stories Gabe "reads" to his sister always start out sounding familiar-a red-caped girl on her way to Grandma's meets a wolf in the woods-but then, just in the nick of time,...
- Author:Wood, TraceySummary:
You’re thinking of teaching a child to read. What a great idea! Now all you need is exactly the right blueprint. This easy-to-follow book is written with two people in mind; you, and the child you’re thinking of teaching. Mother and...
- Author:Abrams, StaceySummary:
Stacey’s favorite day of the week is Thursday, when the whole class goes to the library and she gets to lose herself in her beloved books. On one of these special days, Stacey discovers that a new student named Julie has trouble reading...
- Author:Brouwer, SigmundSummary:
Bestselling author Sigmund Brouwer brings his unique sense of play to the serious business of learning to read and write. Armed with music, humor and heart, he connects the dots for people who work with kids to cultivate reading and...
- Author:Piper, JohnSummary:
The Bible reveals glorious things. And yet we often miss its power because we read it the same way we read any other book. In Reading the Bible Supernaturally, best-selling author John Piper teaches us how to read the Bible in light of...
- Author:Wolf, MaryanneSummary:
A developmental psychologist evaluates the ways in which reading and writing have transformed the human brain, in an anecdotal study that reveals the significant changes in evolutionary brain physiology throughout history.
- Author:Bouchard, DavidSummary:
Nokum Is My Teacher is the poetic story of a young aboriginal boy, posing questions to his grandmother, his "Nokum", about the wider world beyond the familiarity of their home and community. Through a series of questions, Nokum guides...
- Author:Paulsen, GarySummary:
Twelve-year-old Sarny's brutal life as a slave becomes even more dangerous when a newly arrived slave offers to teach her how to read.
- Author:Dewdney, AnnaSummary:
Anna Dewdney's Bestselling Llama Llama series continues with Llama learning to read!Llama Llama learns at school. Counting, writing, reading, rules. Friends and school — there's nothing better. Llama learning all the letters!Anna...
- Author:Freire, PauloSummary:
Freire and Macedo analyse the connection between literacy and politics according to whether it produces existing social relations, or introduces a new set of cultural practices that promote democratic and emancipatory change.
- Author:Chartrand, LiliSummary:
À l'orée d'une fabuleuse forêt, un gros monstre découvre un jour un étrange objet. Après l'avoir reniflé et léché, il le rejette, furieux. Ça n'a aucun goût! Pourtant, cet object étonnant va changer sa vie...
- Author:Gravel, FrancoisSummary:
L'adolescence est une maladie qui s'attrape généralement vers treize ou quatorze ans. Ceux qui en sont atteints se mettent d'abord à manger des tonnes de hamburgers et de pizzas. Ils grandissent ensuite tellement vite qu'ils ne savent...
- Author:Adler, Mortimer Jerome, Van Doren, CharlesSummary:
This revised classic guide to reading comprehension for the general reader offers various techniques for improving and measuring your progress in reading skill, comprehension, and speed.
- Author:Krishnaswami, Uma, Swaney, JuliannaSummary:
Every day, nine-year-old Yasmin borrows a book from Book Uncle, a retired teacher who has set up a free lending library next to her apartment building. But when the mayor tries to shut down the rickety bookstand, Yasmin has to take her...
- Author:Gaiman, NeilSummary:
Drawn from Gaiman's trove of published speeches, poems, and creative manifestos, this book is an embodiment of this remarkable multimedia artist's vision, and a timely call to arms.
- Author:Arsenault, IsabelleSummary:
Albert wants a quiet place to read ... but his friends just want to play! Can they figure out how to have fun together?
- Author:Kim, Chris W.Summary:
The residents of an isolated village in a dreamlike world scavenge for supplies in the surrounding forest, collecting scattered items left over from a long time past. No one strays far from this community, fearing what may lie beyond it...
- Author:Association of Canadian PublishersSummary:
In March 2019, the Government of Canada announced an investment of $22.8 million over five years for the development of an initiative to support the sustainable production and distribution of accessible digital books by Canadian...
- Author:Gray, Shelley ShepardSummary:
From New York Times bestselling author Shelley Shepard Gray comes a new series that follows a bookmobile driver-turned-matchmaker who learns that her Amish patrons need a whole lot more than just new books to read. Aaron Coblentz has a...