The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is a short story by F. Scott Fitzgerald, originally published in Colliers Magazine on May 27th, 1922. The story follows Benjamin's life from his birth in 1860. However he is no ordinary child, as he...
- Author:Fitzgerald, ScottSummary:
- Author:Asprey, DaveSummary:
Using diet, sleep, light, exercise, and powerful hacks from ozone therapy to proper jaw alignment, Dave Asprey reveals how to decelerate cellular aging and supercharge your body's ability to rejuvenate.
- Author:Esmonde-White, MirandaSummary:
Mise au point par Miranda Esmonde-White, la technique Essentrics propose des exercices d’étirements et de renforcement musculaire super accessibles, faciles à réaliser chez soi. Cette technique révolutionnaire aide à mieux comprendre le...
- Author:Applebaum, KirstySummary:
Twelve-year-old Lonny has the gift to prevent death at the cost of years off his own life. To avoid exploitation, he has kept away from the town of Farstoke until necessity brings him there.
- Author:CHOPRA, DeepakSummary:
Human ageing is reversible. Scientific research shows that we can literally turn back the markers of getting old, including blood pressure, muscle strength, cholesterol levels and many others. Using the tools in this book, you can learn...