Lev Davidovich Trotsky burst onto the world stage in November 1917 as co-leader of a Marxist Revolution seizing power in Russia. It made him one of the most recognized personalities of the Twentieth Century, a global icon of radical...
- Author:Ackerman, Kenneth D.Summary:
- Author:Nelson, CraigSummary:
John Adams told Thomas Jefferson that "history is to ascribe the American Revolution to Thomas Paine." Thomas Edison called him "the equal of Washington in making American liberty possible." He was a founder of both the United States...
- Author:Giovinazzo, DianaSummary:
Swept into a passionate affair with the idolized mercenary, Anita's life is suddenly consumed by the plight to liberate Southern Brazil from Portugal, a struggle that would cost thousands of lives and span almost ten bloody years....
- Author:Cass, KieraSummary:
For thirty-five girls, the Selection is the chance of a lifetime. The opportunity to escape the life laid out for them since birth. To be swept up in a world of glittering gowns and priceless jewels. To live in a palace and compete for...
- Author:Cass, KieraSummary:
The time has come for one winner to be crowned. When she was chosen to compete in the Selection, America never dreamed she would find herself anywhere close to the crown--or to Prince Maxon's heart. But as the end of the...
- Author:Cass, KieraSummary:
Sixteen-year-old America Singer is one of only six girls still competing in the Selection--but before she can fight to win Prince Maxon and the Illean crown, she must decide where her own heart truly lies.
- Author:Stewart, AndreaSummary:
The emperor's reign has lasted for decades, his mastery of bone shard magic powering the animal-like constructs that maintain law and order. But now his rule is failing, and revolution is sweeping across the Empire's many...
- Author:Aguirre, CarmenSummary:
Something Fierce, winner of Canada Reads 2012, is a gripping story of love, war and resistance. A rare first-hand account of revolutionary life, it takes the reader inside war-ridden Peru, dictatorship-run Bolivia, post-Malvinas...
- Author:Chambers, VeronicaSummary:
Before they were activists, they were just like you and me. From Frederick Douglass to Malala Yousafzai, Joan of Arc to John Lewis, these remarkable figures show us what it means to take a stand and say no to injustice, proving that any...
- Author:Brands, H. W.Summary:
“Americans tend to forget that we have always been at war with one another—even in the beginning - . Brands tells the story of the American Revolution as it really unfolded—as a civil war between colonial patriots and those loyal to the...
- Author:Boyden, JosephSummary:
Louis Riel, a controversial Métis mystic and visionary, fought for his people’s rights against an encroaching tide of white settlers. Hunter and Métis leader Gabriel Dumont, a man tested by warfare, was, in contrast, a pragmatic realist...
- Author:Chodan, Tim, Asfar, DanSummary:
Champion of a people or traitorous rabble-rouser? Political visionary or religious lunatic? Louis Riel is one of the most ambiguous figures in Canadian history, a man who stood and fell for the Métis nation. Read about the fascinating...
- Author:Cass, KieraSummary:
Trois cents ans ont passé, les États-Unis ont sombré dans l'oubli. De leurs ruines est née Illéa, une monarchie de castes. Mais un jeu de téléréalité pourrait bien changer la donne. Elles sont trente-cinq jeunes filles :...
- Author:Cass, KieraSummary:
La Sélection a bouleversé la vie de trente-cinq jeunes filles. Déchirées entre amitié et rivalité, les quatre candidates encore en lice resteront liées par les épreuves qu'elles ont dû surmonter ensemble. Entre les...
- Author:Cass, KieraSummary:
Elles étaient 35, elles ne sont plus que 6. L'enjeu pour ces jeunes filles ? Convaincre le Prince Maxon et ses parents qu'elles sont les mieux à même de monter sur le trône d'Illéa, cette petite monarchie régie par...
- Author:Brown, PierceSummary:
Honor and betrayal fuel a caste-shattering revolution in the action-packed new novel from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Red Rising Trilogy. Ten years after the events of Morning Star, Darrow and the Rising are battling...
- Author:Ahmed, SamiraSummary:
Set in a horrifying near-future United States, seventeen-year-old Layla Amin and her parents are forced into an internment camp for Muslim American citizens. With the help of newly made friends also trapped within the internment camp,...
- Author:Menchu, RigobertaSummary:
- Author:Olmstead, RobertSummary:
In 1916, aging cavalryman Napoleon Childs leads an expedition into Mexico to capture Pancho Villa and bring him to justice. But Childs' troops are wiped out, and he is left to die alone in the Mexican desert.
- Author:Trépanier, Marie LyneSummary:
Enfermé à la prison du Pied-du-Courant, le père d'Abélia ne sera pas pendu, mais il sera exilé. Lui et d'autres patriotes se retrouvent donc incarcérés dans une prison australienne et peinent à survivre à leurs misérables conditions. C...