"The plot provided by the universe was filled with starvation, war and rape. I would not-could not-live in that tale." Clemantine Wamariya was six years old when her mother and father began to speak in whispers, when neighbors...
- Author:Wamariya, ClemantineSummary:
- Author:Gicali, Marie-JoséeSummary:
Le génocide commence le 7 avril 1994. L'inconcevable boucherie gagne rapidement le pays entier. Presque toute la famille de Marie-Josée Gicali est aussitôt tuée, mais cette dernière réussit à échapper au massacre, ne devant...
- Author:Diop, Boubacar BorisSummary:
- Author:Boudjikanian, RaffySummary:
Powerful accounts by genocide survivors, a journalist seeking to bear witness to their pain. Darfuri refugee camps in Chad, Kigali in Rwanda, and the ruins of ancient villages in Turkey — all visited by genocide, all still reeling in...
- Author:Combres, ElisabethSummary:
IRA Notable Books for a Global Society selection. Hiding behind an armchair, five-year-old Emma does not witness the murder of her mother, but she hears everything. And when the assassins finally leave, the young Tutsi girl somehow...