Renowned chef Dan Barber introduces a new kind of cuisine that represents the future of American dining in THE THIRD PLATE. Barber explores the evolution of American food from the "first plate," or industrially-produced, meat-...
Seasonal cooking
- Author:Barber, Dan.Summary:
- Author:McGrady, DarrenSummary:
The Royal Chef is at it again! Darren McGrady, former personal chef to Queen Elizabeth II and Diana, Princess of Wales, has curated and created delicious, easy recipes that will add an elegant touch to any meal without requiring hours...
- Author:Shanks, JuliaSummary:
Farmers' Markets and CSAs are among the best places to find high-quality, diverse, and exciting vegetables and fruits. But the rich array of unusual varieties can be confusing and overwhelming. From detailed produce descriptions to...
- Author:Reichl, RuthSummary:
In the fall of 2009, the food world was rocked when Gourmet magazine was abruptly shuttered by its parent company. No one was more stunned by this unexpected turn of events than its beloved editor in chief, Ruth Reichl, who suddenly...