Set in an unnamed Pakistani city shortly after Partition, the lives of Ustad Ramzi, one of the greatest wrestlers of the land, who is now old and warmed only by the memories of his past, and the equally renowned Gohar Jan, a courtesan...
Self-actualization (Psychology)
- Author:Farooqi, MusharrafSummary:
- Author:Brooke, TaraSummary:
Beautiful Ambition. My Secrets to Love, Happiness and Success, author Tara Brooke describes her painful childhood, her parents’ divorce, her mother’s ill health, and the bullying and humiliation she endured at the many different schools...
- Author:Hill, LawrenceSummary:
One of Canada's most celebrated author's debut novel for young readers. Beatrice, a young girl of uncertain age, wakes up all alone in a tree house in the forest. How did she arrive in this cozy dwelling, stocked carefully with...
- Author:Brian, CynthiaSummary:
It's tough being a teen in the 21st century. With so many restrictions, requirements, and reality television obsessed with cultural messages focused on fame, fortune, beauty, and sex, it's no wonder teens feel helpless, hopeless, and...
- Author:Palacios, BárbaraSummary:
Bárbara Palacios, autora inspiracional y conferencista internacional, Miss Universo 1986 y Miss Venezuela 1986, galardonada por People en Español como una de las 25 mujeres más poderosas e influyentes del 2014, abre su corazón para...
- Author:Brown, BrenéSummary:
In Atlas of the Heart, Brown takes us on a journey through eighty-seven of the emotions and experiences that define what it means to be human. As she maps the necessary skills and lays out an actionable framework for meaningful...
- Author:Foster, Ken D.Summary:
Filled with powerful questions that invite you to listen to your inner voice and tap into the strength you need to create your ideal life, this audiobook makes you the final authority in your own life not outside forces that you can't...
- Author:Allen, JamesSummary:
James Allen's literary essay and book As a Man Thinketh was originally published in 1903. The novel is written in terms of responsibility assumption, which is a doctrine that any person has complete responsibility for the events that...
- Author:Elder, HinemoaSummary:
Through 52 whatatauki - traditional Māori life lessons - Māori psychiatrist Dr Hinemoa Elder shares the power of Aroha and explores how it could help us all every day...The 52 life lessons are arranged into 4 chapters that introduce...
- Author:KEYES, MarianSummary:
Anna Walsh returns to her family in Dublin to recuperate from a debilitating and disfiguring accident. Her family tries to bolster her spirits, while her husband in New York is mysteriously missing.
- Author:CommonSummary:
From the multi-award-winning performer, author, and activist, a comprehensive program for addressing mental and physical health - and encouraging communities to do the same - featuring a conversation between the author and Lauren Von...
- Author:Hay, Louise L. , Khadro, Ahlea, Dane, HeatherSummary:
L’auteure à succès Louise Hay a transformé la vie des gens durant des dizaines d’années en leur enseignant à se libérer des croyances limitatives. Louise fait aujourd’hui équipe avec ses spécialistes personnelles en santé et en...
- Author:Lynch, DeniseSummary:
These affirmations are designed to infuse the conscious and subconscious mind with positive new intentions, concepts and perspectives about life and the world at large. Let it play in the background of everyday activities such as...
- Author:Levine, StephenSummary:
- Author:Martela, FrankSummary:
What brings significance to our existences? Is happiness a worthy goal? What is the foundation for meaning in a secular society? Is life an existential void? A blend of philosophical insights and practical prescriptions, this book...
- Author:Tolle, EckhartSummary:
Tolle presents readers with an honest look at the current state of humanity: he implores us to see and accept that this state, which is based on an erroneous identification with the egoic mind, is one of dangerous insanity. However,...
- Author:Lapointe, JasonSummary:
Au cœur de la jungle urbaine, un simple employé de bureau voit sa vie basculer quand la belle améridienne qu’il aimait passionnément le quitte soudain. Pourtant, un étrange rêve évocateur d’un passé glorieux vient de lui révéler qu’il a...
- Author:Bureau, GinetteSummary:
« Nous nous sommes connues à New York, nous poussions nos carrosses ensemble en refaisant le monde. Nous avons commencé à écrire à cause du cancer. Mon amie était une riche poète féministe, ses poèmes émanaient de la violence et de la...
- Author:Terwilliger, Tom, Aaron, RaymondSummary:
“Tell me your goal and I will tell you WHY you are likely NOT to achieve it! The way in which you have pursued goals in the past has very likely created the exact opposite blueprint of the one needed to achieve what you want. Those...
- Author:Morin, AmySummary:
Being a tween can be hard, especially in today's world. Psychotherapist Morin tackles mental strength in a relatable way, offering scenarios and showing tweens ways they can develop healthy habits, build mental strength, and take...