With change happening faster and faster in our tech-ruled world, being able to think creatively, flexibly, and quickly is more important than ever. In Your Idea Starts Here, graphic designer Carolyn Eckert offers 77 specific questions,...
- Author:Eckert, CarolynSummary:
- Author:Lajoie, CédricSummary:
WOW Connectez davantage pour Maximiser la puissance de vos relations Préface de Raymond Aaron auteur de best-sellers du New York Times Vis le « Wow » et ta vie entière sera transformée ! Le « WOW » représente la nature d'une...
- Author:Wambach, AbbySummary:
"Abby is a relatable revolutionary-with WOLFPACK, she inspires the confidence, leadership and sisterhood we all so desperately need right now."-Amy Schumer This program is read by the author. Based on her inspiring, viral 2018...
- Author:Stohn, StephenSummary:
This book will change the way you think about success. Producer of television's iconic Degrassi franchise Stephen Stohn tells stories from behind the scenes and of making it in the music and television world in this star-studded,...
- Author:Lawford, Christopher KennedySummary:
New York Times bestselling author Christopher Kennedy Lawford revisits addiction in his latest book, What Addicts Know, this time framing the discussion in an entirely new way-the lessons addiction and recovery offer to those of us who...
- Author:Behrend, GenevieveSummary:
La collection Les Classiques réunit des textes d'auteurs de la première moitié du siècle dernier, classés aujourd'hui dans le domaine du bien public, qui ont été des sources d'inspiration pour des millions de gens par...
- Author:Portelance, ColetteSummary:
Ce 5e ouvrage de Colette Portelance sera sans doute comme les précédents un autre best-seller. Forte de près de 40 années de vie de couple heureuse et réussie avec le même conjoint, l'auteur nous convie à la mise au grand...
- Author:Brathen, RachelSummary:
From the New York Times bestselling author of Yoga Girl and "international force in the world of yoga" (Allure), a moving and inspirational memoir on how to cope with tragedy, adversity, and change through yoga. While on her...
- Author:Summary:
What if you could look at life's hardest moments with a different perspective? In his bestseller Unlearn, rapper, spoken-word artist, blogger, social media influencer and former schoolteacher Humble the Poet offered digestible...
- Author:Vitale, JoeSummary:
With The Solution, Vitale wants to help listeners who are looking for answers to challenges faced every day. Here he goes beyond feel-good pep talks and offers step-by-step methods for succeeding where others may fail. Each step offers...
- Author:Beaudine, BobSummary:
Bob Beaudine presents a revolutionary concept that will get you moving toward your dreams and goals in ways you never imagined. This audiobook challenges many widely held presumptions, including the importance of traditional networking...
- Author:Winfrey, OprahSummary:
Everyone has a purpose. And, according to Oprah Winfrey, "Your real job in life is to figure out as soon as possible what that is, who you are meant to be, and begin to honor your calling in the best way possible." That...
- Author:Gryner, EmmSummary:
Vocal health tips, stories from the tour bus, and action items to improve your voice and boost your self-confidence from an award-winning musician and life coach Performing with David Bowie, surviving the murky depths of the music...
- Author:Boeckh, AnthonySummary:
A 40-year market veteran who is widely acknowledged as a premier economic historian, J. Anthony Boeckh takes a long, hard look at the nearly 25 years of artificial prosperity the world witnessed as the 20th century gave way to the 21st...
- Author:Izzo, JohnSummary:
Imagine for a moment that you are about to take a foreign vacation to an exotic destination. You have saved your entire life to travel there. It is a destination with almost unlimited choices of how to spend your time and you know you...
- Author:Owen, ErikaSummary:
A fun and practical guide to cultivating a more mindful and fulfilling everyday life by tapping into your inner flaneur-perfect for fans of Marie Kondo and The Little Book of Hygge. Have you ever been walking home from work and...
- Author:Hébert, ArianeSummary:
D'où proviennent le stress et l'anxiété ? Comment affectent-ils votre vie? Qu'est-ce qui vous rend plus vulnérable? Vos réactions à ces émotions sont-elles normales? Découvrez comment mettre en place des stratégies préventives pour...
- Author:Morais, DeniseSummary:
Bouleversée par un événement tragique touchant un être cher, Denise Morais voit sa vision de la vie se transformer. La Vie lui apprend alors à voir la beauté en toute circonstance, à dénicher l'extraordinaire dans l'ordinaire...
- Author:Daniel BlouinSummary:
Salomon est un saumon comme tous les autres saumons vivant dans l'Atlantique Nord. Du moins en apparence, car Salomon se questionne sur le sens de la vie, sur l'existence de ses congénères et sur les nombreuses légendes...
- Author:Keyzer, MyriamSummary:
Vous êtes engagé dans une quête de croissance fervente et pourtant… devant l'adversité, vous demeurez impuissant. Éduqué à être raisonnable, vous fuyez ce qui en vous résiste. Et si, sans le savoir, vous évitez exactement l'...