Ukpik's mother is eager to teach Ukpik how to prepare caribou skin, dry it, and use it to sew a pair of simple, useful mitts. But Ukpik can't stop thinking about the beautiful new beads her mother traded the Captain for on his last...
- Author:Aglukark, SusanSummary:
- Author:Leggat, AlexandraSummary:
The Incomparables is the debut novel from the Trillium nominated author of Animal. Lydia Templar is obsessed with fabric, the texture and weight of cloth. Through fabrics, curtains, costumes, she expresses herself in a way she feels...
- Author:Duss, Martena, Holleis, SissiSummary:
Sweat Shop Paris brings the namesake Paris Sweat Shop founded by Martena Duss and Sissi Holleis to North America with more than 50 D.I.Y. fashion and home projects, including instructions and more than 200 helpful, inspiring full-color...
- Author:Huser, GlenSummary:
Travis has been waiting to get to junior high. When that time finally comes, things are both better, and worse, than he had hoped. On the plus side are two great new teachers. On the minus side there's Shon Docker, Travis's old...
- Author:Maresh, Jan SaundersSummary:
The most complete guide to sewing basics People are always looking for ways to cut expenses and be creative and stylish at the same time. Learning to sew is a great way to arm yourself with the skills to repair and create clothing and...
- Author:Caruso, ClaireSummary:
There аrе ѕо mаnу аdvаntаgеѕ tо lеаrning hоw to sew. It'ѕ rеlаxing, сrеаtivе, and fun. Being аblе tо mend riрреd аnd tоrn сlоthing will ѕаvе уоu money. And once уоu dеvеlор уоur ѕеwing ѕkillѕ, уоu can make a little еxtrа on thе...
- Author:Davis, Jodie, Davis, JayneSummary:
The latest addition to the multi-million-selling Pocket Posh series, this gorgeous, handy reference guide can be carried in bags, totes, or purses. An irresistible, eye-catching package of tips and tricks for seasoned sewers and novices...
- Author:Farrell Holler, SueSummary:
Lacey Little Bird loves spending time with Kahasi, an elder on her reserve who is like a grandmother to her. From her Lacey is learning about their people, the Siksika Blackfoot tribe of Alberta, including the art of beadwork. Lacey...