Abducted as an 11-year-old child from her village in West Africa and forced to walk for months to the sea in a coffle--a string of slaves-- Aminata Diallo is sent to live as a slave in South Carolina. But years later, she forges her way...
Sierra Leone
- Author:Hill, LawrenceSummary:
- Author:Kamara, Mariatu, McClelland, SusanSummary:
As a child in a small rural village in Sierra Leone, Mariatu Kamara lived peacefully surrounded by family and friends. Rumors of rebel attacks were no more than a distant worry. But when 12-year-old Mariatu set out for a neighboring...
- Author:Deprince, ElaineSummary:
Michaela DePrince was known as girl no. 27 at the orphanage, where she was abandoned at a young age and tormented as a "devil child" for a skin condition that makes her skin appear spotted. But it was at the orphanage that...
- Author:Resch, AurélieSummary:
1998, Sierra Leone. Une bande armée fait irruption dans un village. Meurtres, viols, pillage. Onika voit sa fille sauvagement tuée sous ses yeux et son fils enlevé pour être enrôlé de force. Réussissant, par miracle, à survivre à cet...
- Author:Campbell, GregSummary:
Journalist Greg Campbell leads the reader down the international diamond trail of brutality, horror, and profit - providing an on-the-ground and in-the-mines story of global consequenceFirst discovered in 1930, the diamonds of Sierra...
- Author:Beah, IshmaelSummary:
This is how wars are fought now: by children, hopped-up on drugs and wielding AK-47s. Children have become soldiers of choice. In the more than fifty conflicts going on worldwide, it is estimated that there are some 300,000 child...