Eleven-year-old super skateboarder Sibby Henry liked her life just fine until her father quit his job and forced her family to move from Charlottetown to Halifax. Now she's living with her Nan and Pops, starting at a new school and...
- Author:O'Connor, ClareSummary:
- Author:Bustard, AnneSummary:
In this family-oriented picture book, one brave cat discovers how rad trying new things can be! Esther, Chester, Hester, and Sylvester are stoked to shred at the skate park! But unlike his daring brothers and sisters, Lester is a total...
- Author:Ross, JeffSummary:
Casey is at the end of his final year in high school. He hasn’t applied to college, and, other than skateboarding, he doesn’t believe he’s good at much of anything. When a young movie star offers him a job as a stunt double in an...
- Author:Bell, WilliamSummary:
La vida de Allie ha dado un giro terrible. Sus padres se pelean todo el tiempo, le está yendo muy mal en la escuela y, por si fuera poco, piensa que tal vez esté embarazada. Incapaz de enfrentar a sus padres, decide irse de su casa y...
- Author:Walters, EricSummary:
Phillip lives for skateboarding. School is merely the break between trying to land a difficult jump and outrunning the security guards. When he and his best friend Wally meet a professional skateboarder who videotapes himself for his...
- Author:Bell, WilliamSummary:
Allie’s life has just taken a turn for the worse. Not only do her parents fight all the time, but now she thinks she might be pregnant. She hooks up with her old friend Razz, a professional skateboarder, and goes on the road. Razz is...
- Author:Anne, Li CharmaineSummary:
This YA debut is a searing ode to queer identity, growing up in an immigrant community, and carving a place for yourself in the world with the help of your friends. Jay Wong is spending the last languid days of summer 2010 trying to...
- Author:Lamothe, GenevièveSummary:
Ariane 16 ans, Alex 16 ans et Ying 15 ans, font connaissance à partir de leurs échanges sur Internet. Tous trois animés par les mêmes goûts de l’action. Ils fondent une agence de reportages qu’ils nomment Caméra Danger. Leur...
- Author:Walters, EricSummary:
Phillip vive para el skateboarding. La escuela no es m‡s que un paréntesis entre intentar un aterrizaje difícil y escapar de los guardias de seguridad. Cuando él y su mejor amigo, Wally, conocen a un patinador profesional que graba...
- Author:Choyce, LesleySummary:
Dorf a toujours été fidèle à sa devise : « Si ça en vaut la peine, fais-le. Si ça n'en vaut pas la peine, fais-le quand même. » Mais il a déménagé à la ville et le terrain est différent. Il ne peut plus faire rouler sa planche oû bon...
- Author:Walters, EricSummary:
Philip lives for skateboarding. School is merely the break between trying to land a difficult jump and outrunning the security guards. When he and his best friend Wally meet a professional skateboarder who videotapes himself for his...
- Author:Ross, JeffSummary:
In this high-interest novel for teens, Riley learns that the color of your skin does affect how you are treated.