The author describes psychological techniques that can help someone determine what another person is thinking.
Social perception
- Author:Lieberman, David J.Summary:
- Author:Hippel, William vonSummary:
Bill von Hippel traces human development through three critical evolutionary inflection points to explain how events in our distant past shape our lives today. From the mundane, such as why we exaggerate, to the surprising, such as why...
- Author:Rapaille, ClotaireSummary:
Rapaille's breakthrough notion is that we acquire a silent system of Codes as we grow up within our culture. These Culture Codes invisibly shape how we behave in our personal lives. We can learn to crack these Codes and achieve new...
- Author:Gosling, SamSummary:
For the last ten years psychologist Sam Gosling has been studying how people project (and protect) their inner selves. By exploring our private worlds (desks, bedrooms, even our clothes and our cars), he shows not only how we showcase...