Geomedia offers critical analysis of the new possibilities and power relations emerging in the public space of contemporary cities. As ubiquitous digital networks enable embedded and mobile devices to integrate place-specific data with...
- Author:McQuire, ScottSummary:
- Author:Blutstein, HarrySummary:
The year 1968 was ablaze with passion and mayhem as protests erupted in Paris and Prague, throughout the United States, and in cities on all continents. The Summer Olympic Games in Mexico were to be a moment of respite from chaos. But...
- Author:Michaud, JacintheSummary:
From the mid-1960s to the mid-80s, feminist activism in North America and Europe reached its peak, animated by a disparate array of issues and ideas. Frontiers of Feminism compares Québécois and Italian feminisms, revealing both the...
- Author:Baril, Alexandre, Zufferey, Adèle, Galantino, Gabriel J., Pullen Sansfaçon, Annie, Medico, Denise, Vinit, Florence, Brosseau, Stéphanie, Morin, Lou-Ann, Richards, Christina, Wallach, Isabelle, Espineira, Karine, Borgeaud, Philippe, Petrella, Sara, Brisson-Guérin, MaudeSummary:
La question posée dans ce numéro concerne la façon dont le rapport à la mort, social, politique, subjectif s'exprime pour ses dissidents et dissidentes, notamment celleux qui ne se conforment pas à la binarité du système, soit les...
- Author:Christianson, Amy Cardinal, McGee, Tara K.Summary:
Nearly one third of wildfire evacuations in Canada involve Indigenous communities. While evacuations are carried out to protect people from smoke and flames, deciding to leave brings its own challenges.This evacuation guide is based on...
- Author:Rak, JulieSummary:
The race to climb Everest catapulted mountain climbing, with its accompanying images of conquest and sport, into the public sphere on a global scale. But as a metaphor for the pinnacle of human achievement, mountaineering remains the...
- Author:Cliche, Jean-FrançoisSummary:
Est-il si compliqué de connaître la vérité? En cette ère de désinformation, de fake news, c'est le cas. Les réseaux sociaux peuvent propager des rumeurs et des faussetés à une vitesse inégalée sur des sujets aussi divers que l...
- Author:Samson, Ghislain, Lafleur, FranceSummary:
Au primaire comme à l'université, l'enseignement n'est sans doute plus aussi linéaire qu'il l'a été traditionnellement. Les stratégies éducatives varient, notamment avec l'arrivée de la formation à distance...
- Author:Summary:
Enjeux criminologiques contemporains confronte certaines des questions pressantes relatives aux pratiques pénales et carcérales, à la criminologie « clinique », et au contrôle du crime et ses conséquences. Cet ouvrage présente des...
- Author:Lorinc, JohnSummary:
Is the 'smart city' the utopia we've been waiting for? The promise of the so-called smart city has been at the forefront of urban planning and development since the early 2010s, and the tech industry that supplies smart...
- Author:Savage, CandaceSummary:
Lorsqu'elle emménage dans sa nouvelle maison de Saskatoon, Candace Savage découvre avec étonnement que celle-ci a été construite par une famille francophone. Comment les Blondin ont-ils abouti dans un quartier alors considéré comme...
- Author:Sangster, JoanSummary:
One hundred years of feminist activism, from the 1880s to the 1980s, presented multiple paths for women's search for equality, autonomy, and dignity. Women fashioned different dreams of freedom and social transformation, yet what...
- Author:ten Kortenaar, NeilSummary:
In the decade before and after independence, Nigerians not only adopted the novel but reinvented the genre. Nigerian novels imagined the new state, with its ideals of the rule of law, state sovereignty, and a centralized administration...
- Author:Tufte, ThomasSummary:
How do the communication practices of governments, NGOs and social movements enhance opportunities for citizen-led change' In this incisive book, Thomas Tufte makes a call for a fundamental rethinking of what it takes to enable...
- Author:Brophy, James T., Keith, Margaret M.Summary:
When health care workers call a Code White, it's an emergency response for a violent incident: a call for help. But it's one that goes unanswered in hospitals, clinics, and long-term care homes across the country. Code White...
- Author:Daschuk, JamesSummary:
Revealing how Canada's first Prime Minister used a policy of starvation against Indigenous people to clear the way for settlement, the multiple award-winning Clearing the Plains sparked widespread debate about genocide in Canada....
- Author:Rossi, Ugo.Summary:
In what ways are cities central to the evolution of contemporary global capitalism' And in what ways is global capitalism forged by the urban experience' This book provides a response to these questions, exploring the...
- Author:Peterson, Nadya L.Summary:
Anton Chekhov's representations of children have generally remained on the periphery of scholarly attention. Yet his stories about children, which focus on communication and the emergence of personhood, also illuminate the process...
- Author:Klein, PaulSummary:
An action-oriented approach for businesses to solve the world's most urgent social problems — and benefit from doing so. More than a year into a global pandemic, profit and shareholder value are no longer the primary metric of...
- Author:Williamson, MillySummary:
It is a truism to suggest that celebrity pervades all areas of life today. The growth and expansion of celebrity culture in recent years has been accompanied by an explosion of studies of the social function of celebrity and...