Your Heart Is the Size of Your Fist draws readers into the complicated, poignant, and often-overlooked daily happenings of a busy urban medical clinic for refugees. An Iraqi journalist whose son has been been murdered develops post-...
- Auteur:Scholtens, Martina, MDSommaire:
- Auteur:Gossard, Julia M.Sommaire:
Across the metropole, the colonies, and the wider eighteenth-century world, French children and youth participated in a diverse set of state-building initiatives, social reform programs, and imperial expansion efforts. Young...
- Auteur:Sommaire:
Greater participation by women in peace negotiations, policy-making, and legal decision-making would have a lasting impact on conflict resolution, development, and the maintenance of peace in post-conflict zones. Women, Peace, and...
- Auteur:Bouclin, SuzanneSommaire:
Entertainment and profit constitute the driving force behind popular representations of women in correctional facilities. But the creative influence of film and television also generates legal meaning. The women-in-prison (WIP) genre...
- Auteur:Sommaire:
Following Antonietta and Loris's first kiss in the shadows of the Italian Alps barely a year after the end of the Second World War, the couple was divided by a distance far greater than could ever have been imagined. With...
- Auteur:Mueller, MiltonSommaire:
The Internet has united the world as never before. But is it in danger of breaking apart' Cybersecurity, geopolitical tensions, and calls for data sovereignty have made many believe that the Internet is fragmenting.In this incisive...
- Auteur:Jackson, Lauren MicheleSommaire:
Explores how trends started in black communities are co-opted then turned into white profit and how this appropriation continues to uphold economic, political, and social inequality. In White Negroes, cultural commentator, essayist, and...
- Auteur:Rangwala, Tawfiq S.Sommaire:
WE Charity had changed the game. In its 25 years, the international development charity and youth empowerment movement impacted lives the world over. Innovation was at its core: while most charities focus on making the world a better...
- Auteur:Zelizer, BarbieSommaire:
What Journalism Could Be asks readers to reimagine the news by embracing a conceptual prism long championed by one of journalism's leading contemporary scholars. A former reporter, media critic and academic, Barbie Zelizer charts a...
- Auteur:Manning, Lauren, Manning, JeanetteSommaire:
As a troubled teen, Lauren Manning sought refuge online in the angry world of black metal music. When she met a recruiter who offered her the acceptance she craved, the doctrine of white supremacy supplanted the values of her middle-...
- Auteur:Eversole, Linda J.Sommaire:
From the establishment of Fort Victoria, BC's capital city has had a long history of prostitution. But little has been written on the lives of the women themselves--some of the most enterprising women in Victoria's past....
- Auteur:Nadeau, Jean-GuySommaire:
Pour prendre toute la mesure d'un drame complexe qui demande à être mieux compris. Les abus sexuels perpétrés par des membres du clergé sont une profonde blessure pour les victimes et un révélateur pour l'Église. Ce livre a...
- Auteur:Le Glaunec, Jean-PierreSommaire:
Le 25 mai 2020, George Floyd, un Afro-Américain de 46 ans, meurt sous le poids d'un policier blanc lors d'une arrestation à Minneapolis. Sa mort suscite l'indignation de l'opinion publique partout dans le monde et...
- Auteur:Belzile, Louise, Couturier, YvesSommaire:
Depuis toujours, les travailleuses sociales collaborent de très près avec les professionnels du monde de la santé, les médecins et les infirmières au premier chef. Or la formation de ceux-ci a peu à offrir sur la nature et l'...
- Auteur:Davis, Lisa SelinSommaire:
Strong Is the New Pretty meets All the Single Ladies in this heartfelt celebration and exploration of the tomboy phenomenon and the future of girlhood, based on the author's viral New York Times op-ed. Inspired by her thought-...
- Auteur:Whybrow, Peter C.Sommaire:
The bestselling author of American Mania, eminent neuroscientist Peter C. Whybrow here addresses overconsumption in modern society. Using personal stories and the latest research, Whybrow illuminates the path toward a sustainable market...
- Auteur:Dickey, ColinSommaire:
"Absolutely perfect for the current moment." —Buzzfeed America's favorite cultural historian and author of Ghostland takes a tour of the country's most persistent "unexplained" phenomena In a world where...
- Auteur:Sommaire:
Through twelve ethnographic case studies,The Social Life of Standardsreveals how standards - political and technical tools for organizing society - are developed, applied, subverted, contested, and reassembled by local communities...
- Auteur:Lupton, DeborahSommaire:
With the advent of digital devices and software, self-tracking practices have gained new adherents and have spread into a wide array of social domains. The Quantified Self movement has emerged to promote 'self-knowledge through...
- Auteur:Sommaire:
Popularly thought of as a recreational vehicle and one of the key ingredients of an ideal wilderness getaway, the canoe is also a political vessel. A potent symbol and practice of Indigenous cultures and traditions, the canoe has also...