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  • Cal Petterson is left alone on his Texas ranch when his wife Jane returns to her childhood home in California with their children.
  • Today is Pet Club day. There will be cats and dogs and fish, but strictly no elephants are allowed. The Pet Club doesn't understand that pets come in all shapes and sizes,...
  • Hired to protect a visiting American woman, Private Johannesburg's Joey Montague is hoping for a routine job looking after a nervous tourist. After the apparent suicide of...

Communautés des Premières nations Lire 2024

  • A visual and cultural celebration of a traditional Haida wedding ceremony, exploring its roots, rituals, symbolism,...
  • National Bestseller. Finalist for the 2023 Writers' Trust Atwood Gibson Fiction Prize. Five generations of Métis women...
  • Upon learning his great-uncle Alfred has suffered a stroke, Richard sets out for Ste. Anne, in southeastern Manitoba,...