“Dear Sunny: I don’t expect you to understand any of this yet, but we’ll always have yesterday... and today, and tomorrow. Maybe one day you’ll figure it out. I never could.” With a supportive family, great friends, and a spot on her...
Suicide victims--Family relationships
- Author:Stevenson, Sarah JamilaSummary:
- Author:Greer, DarrenSummary:
Cameron Dodds has just turned thirty. A writer, he get his ideas from the lives of others, often borrowing stories from the patients of his workplace, the Salvation Army Treatment Centre. When one of the patients, Darrel Greene, hangs...
- Author:Forest, JeanSummary:
Ne te dis pas heureux avant ta dernière heure, disaient les Grecs de l’Antiquité, sans doute parce qu’ils avaient compris qu’il ne fallait pas se fier aux apparences, aux masques que l’on porte en société. Il arrive parfois que les...
- Author:Jones, Adam GarnetSummary:
How can Shane reconcile his feelings for David with his desire for a better life? Shane is still reeling from the suicide of his kid sister, Destiny. How could he have missed the fact that she was so sad? He tries to share his grief...
- Author:Lamontagne, DianeSummary:
Comment vit-on après le deuil d’un être cher qui choisit quitter ce monde ? Un jour ou l’autre, nous vivons tous de l’impuissance face à notre destin. La vie est faite de petites morts et un jour, voilà qu’arrive cette grande mort. Sans...