Our reliance on industrial agriculture has resulted in a food supply riddled with hidden environmental, economic and health care costs and beset by rising food prices. With only a handful of corporations responsible for the lion's...
Sustainable agriculture
- Author:Ladner, PeterSummary:
- Author:Hewitt, BenSummary:
This is the captivating story of a small town coming back to life. Hardwick, Vermont, has jump-started its economy through a local, self-sustaining food system, surviving with its network of community support.
- Author:Rhodes, JustinSummary:
Permaculture expert and popular YouTube Homesteader Justin Rhodes shares the skills and the delights of becoming a part of your own food story in this inspiring and accessible and beautiful four-color invitation to a more abundant,...
- Author:Kleppel, GarySummary:
Long embraced by corporations who are driven only by the desire for profit, industrial agriculture wastes precious resources and spews millions of tons of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere each year, exacerbating climate change and...
- Author:Dawling, PamSummary:
Across North America, an agricultural renaissance is unfolding. A growing number of market gardeners are emerging to feed our appetite for organic, regional produce. But most of the available resources on food production are aimed at...
- Author:Evans, MatthewSummary:
A love letter to Mother Earth and entertaining must-read that goes to the heart of our survival' Charles Massy, author of Call of the Reed Warbler. Perfect for fans of Wilding by Isabella Tree. What we do to the soil, we do to...
- Author:Cook, Will, Williams, JanetSummary:
This comprehensive program will show you how you can have homegrown, garden-fresh, fruits and vegetables anytime and anywhere you want.
- Author:Chambers, Nathalie, Roberts, Robin Alys, Wooding, SophieSummary:
When Nathalie Chambers and her husband, David, first took over Madrona Farm, 27 acres on southern Vancouver Island with a deep history, they never thought their small-scale agricultural business would blossom into an international...
- Author:Shepard, MarkSummary:
Restoration Agriculture reveals how to sustainably grow perennial food crops that can feed us in our resource-compromised future. The restoration agriculture system described in this award-winning book works! It is possible for humans...
- Author:Stoddart, HarrySummary:
Real Dirt is a groundbreaking book for any reader interested in learning more about where food comes from. Harry Stoddart shares years of experience and knowledge in his quirky dissection of agriculture and what we eat. Among his many...
- Author:Caldwell, Wayne J., Caldwell, Wayne, Ferguson, Erica, Lapierre-Fortin, Emanuel, Ball, Jennifer, Reid, Suzanne, Kraehling, Paul, Marr, Eric, Devlin, John, White, Chris, McQuail, Tony, Graves, Margaret, Deen, Bill, Martin, Ralph, Bryant, ChristopherSummary:
Climate change and an evolving non-renewable energy sector threaten the future viability and sustainability of communities across the country. While rural communities have a special place in the national fabric, they often lack the...
- Author:Heinberg, RichardSummary:
The twentieth century saw unprecedented growth in population, energy consumption, and food production. As the population shifted from rural to urban, the impact of humans on the environment increased dramatically. The twenty-first...
- Author:Veness, KimberleySummary:
All the food you eat, whether it's an apple or a steak or a chocolate-coated cricket, has a story. Let's Eat uncovers the secret lives of our groceries, exploring alternative—and sometimes bizarre—farm technology and touring gardens up...
- Author:Doucet, RogerSummary:
Anatomie et physiologie des plantes agricoles, classification, régulateurs de croissance, processus d'infection et de résistance, génétique et génie génétique, théorie de la photosynthèse, mécanismes d'absorption de l'...
- Author:Doucet, RogerSummary:
Avec la mondialisation de l'agroalimentaire, on assiste à un envahissement des plantes d'ailleurs qui n'est limité que par le climat et le type d'activités. Ce livre nous introduit dans un univers où la nuisibilité...
- Author:Doucet, RogerSummary:
Les insectes ont ceci de particulier qu'ils peuvent être à la fois ravageurs de nos cultures et prédateurs d'autres ravageurs, si bien que dans le contexte actuel de la lutte intégrée, on ne peut traiter des insectes d'...
- Author:Doucet, RogerSummary:
Ce livre sans précédent approfondit les relations entre le climat et la formation des sols, l'interprétation des données climatiques en fonction des pratiques culturales ainsi que les liens complexes entre les sols, les engrais et...
- Author:Conner, CindySummary:
Everyone loves to prepare a meal with ingredients fresh from their own garden. But for most of us, no matter how plentiful our harvest, homegrown produce comprises only a fraction of what we eat. And while many gardening guides will...
- Author:Hobshawn-Smith, DeeSummary:
In this intimate guide to Alberta's sustainable food scene, writer, poet, professional chef, and food advocate Dee Hobsbawn-Smith profiles more than seventy-five of the province's growers and producers. Learn the A to Z's of each...
- Author:Heintzman, Andrew, Solomon, EvanSummary:
The twenty-first century has been dominated by two major global crises: a scarcity of food and fuel. Both have had detrimental effects on the environment and both are at the root of the fragile health of the global economy. Combining...