Thirteen-year-old Jonathan goes off to fight in the Revolutionary War and discovers the real war is being fought within himself.
Talking books for children
- Author:AviSummary:
- Author:Mikaelsen, BenSummary:
In 1922 Petey, who has cerebral palsy, is misdiagnosed as an idiot and institutionalized; sixty years later, still in the institution, he befriends a boy and shares with him the joy of life.
- Author:Paulsen, GarySummary:
Twelve-year-old Sarny's brutal life as a slave becomes even more dangerous when a newly arrived slave offers to teach her how to read.
- Author:Sitomer, Alan LawrenceSummary:
Three misfit middle school students team up to try to beat out the catty and mean "ThreePees"--pretty, popular, and perfect girls--at the school talent show.
- Author:Johnson, PeteSummary:
Charlie n’est pas content : devenu esprit, il doit quand même aller à l’école…, jusqu’à ce qu’il découvre qu’on y apprend à traverser les murs et à déplacer les objets à distance! Mais Charlie et son nouvel ami, Lewis, sont-ils prêts à...
- Author:Johnson, Pete, Percival, TomSummary:
Ravi d’être un esprit, Charlie attend avec impatience sa nouvelle mission dans la Brigade des esprits. Mais ce sera la plus déroutante des enquêtes! Un rat géant terrorise un petit garçon sur terre — effrayante créature qui peut...
- Author:Stevens, Janet, Crummel, Susan StevensSummary:
A jackrabbit who wishes to be feared asks his fairy godrabbit for horns and becomes the first jackalope, but there's one condition: he must not tell lies.
- Author:Clark, SherrylSummary:
Farm is Mum and Dad, rising early. Farm is milk truck, rumbling over bridge. Farm is me, running wide and free. The family farm is the only life Zac knows. To him it's space, blue skies, cows, hay and the creek. But the drought...
- Author:LETTS, BarrySummary:
The Doctor is strangely concerned about Professor Horner's plan to cut open an ancient barrow near the peaceful village of Devil's End. Equally worried is Miss Hawthorne, the local white witch, who foretells a terrible...