A collection of radio dramatizations of events from world history produced for the radio program CBS is There, You Are There, which originally aired between 1947 and 1950.
World history
- Author:Summary:
- Author:Haugen, PeterSummary:
Now updated! Your personal tour guide to the history of the world Want to know more about global history? This concise guide explains in clear detail all the major players and events that have made the world what it is today. Covering...
- Author:Van Loon, Hendrik WillemSummary:
Winner of the first Newbery Medal, this book revolutionized methods of telling history by recounting history as living news, relating everything in the past to the present, writing informally, and making world history exciting.
- Author:Frankopan, PeterSummary:
From the rise and fall of empires in China, Persia, and Rome itself to the spread of Buddhism and advent of Christianity and Islam, right up to Western imperialism and the great wars of the twentieth century, this epic, magisterial work...
- Author:Brazier, ChrisSummary:
Who was the first black queen? How much do you know about China's history? Most people's knowledge of world history is hazy and incomplete at best. This updated No-Nonsense Guide gives a full picture, revealing the hidden...
- Author:Carlin, DanSummary:
A journey back in time that explores what happened-and what could have happened-from creator of the wildly-popular podcast Hardcore History and 2019 winner of the iHeartRadio Best History Podcast Award. Dan Carlin has created a new way...
- Author:Graeber, DavidSummary:
NATIONAL BESTSELLER NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER - Renowned activist and public intellectual David Graeber teams up with professor of comparative archaeology David Wengrow to deliver a trailblazing account of human history, challenging our...
- Author:Gabriele, MatthewSummary:
"Traveling easily through a thousand years of history, The Bright Ages reminds us society never collapsed when the Roman Empire fell, nor did the modern world did wake civilization from a thousand year hibernation. Thoroughly...
- Author:Benjamin, CraigSummary:
The history of human civilization is an astonishing story of migration, innovation, and social development. Now, the exciting new field of "big history" allows us to explore human civilizations in ways unavailable to...
- Author:Harari, Yuval N.Summary:
"From a renowned historian comes a groundbreaking narrative of humanity's creation and evolution--a #1 international bestseller--that explores the ways in which biology and history have defined us and enhanced our...
- Author:Kaplan, JoshuaSummary:
In this course, University of Notre Dame professor, Joshua Kaplan, examines the political theories of historic figures and describes connections between their times and our own.
- Author:Mason, PhilSummary:
Napoléon a joué un rôle déterminant dans l’Histoire. Mais il n’a pas gagné tous ses combats. Celui qu’il a dû mener contre de sympathiques petites lésions rougeâtres au matin de sa toute dernière bataille l’aurait amené à… frapper son...
- Author:Mary, LucSummary:
La construction du mur de Berlin. L’impensable guerre des Malouines. Le massacre de la Saint-Barthélémy. Les conquêtes chinoises avortées. Si la grande Histoire fait souvent une place de choix aux triomphes et aux coups d’éclat,elle est...
- Author:Mason, PhilSummary:
Joli, joli, arranger l’Histoire? Bien sûr que non! Pourtant, une profusion d’auteurs de manuels gomment des détails gênants et passent sous silence des faits embarrassants mais ô combien croustillants: - Gandhi «autorisait» ses jeunes...
- Author:Gaston, DelphineSummary:
Ouvrez grand votre œil et observez Luigi Galbani couper le rare cheveu d’un Mussolini armé; Élisabeth de Miribel taper à la machine le fameux appel du 18 juin de Charles de Gaulle; Henri Sanson, bourreau de son état, préparer Marie-...
- Author:Winchester, SimonSummary:
Land--whether meadow or mountainside, desert or peat bog, parkland or pasture, suburb or city--is central to our existence. Simon Winchester examines what we human beings are doing, and have done, with the billions of acres that...
- Author:Smith, David J.Summary:
Author has found clever devices to scale down everything from time lines (the history of Earth compressed into one year), to quantities (all the wealth in the world divided into one hundred coins), to size differences (the planets shown...
- Author:MacMillan, MargaretSummary:
In History’s People internationally acclaimed historian Margaret MacMillan gives her own personal selection of figures of the past, women and men, some famous and some little-known, who stand out for her. Some have changed the course of...
- Author:Summary:
Learn why a family in Borneo shares their garden with a black spitting cobra and about an eleven-year-old schoolgirl who names our newly discovered ninth planet, along with other stories about world cultures and world history.
- Author:Harman, ChrisSummary:
Chris Harman describes the shape and course of human history as a narrative of ordinary people forming and re-forming complex societies in pursuit of common human goals. Interacting with the forces of technological change as well as the...