Approaching the unfolding climate catastrophe conceptually through its dissolution of the categories of "man-made" and "natural" disasters, A History of the Theories of Rain explores the strange effect our current sense of impending...
Governor General's Literary Awards 2021
Congratulations to the 2021 Governor General’s Literary Award Winners! It has been a pleasure to work with the Canada Council for the Arts to bring you the 2021 winners in accessible formats. As they have in previous years, the Council granted us early access to the winners' list, which made it possible for us to have them here for you today. The full list of winners, and further information about the GG's and Canada Council for the Arts, can be found on the Governor General's Literary Awards website.
Check out some of the 2021 finalists, below, and and read about the 14 winners here!
More titles will be added to this collection over the coming month, so feel free to check back to see what has been included. While we cannot always produce every longlisted title, if our collections do not contain a book you would like to read, or your preferred format is not available, we encourage you to send us a request! To access our request form, log into your NNELS account and search for the book you want. If we do not currently have the book in our libraries, there will be a link to the Title Request Form above the filters on any page of search results.
For more great Canadian reading, check out some of the previous years' winners and nominees of the Governor General's Literary Awards!
- Author:Collis, StephenSummary:
- Author:Brassard, MarioSummary:
Mila a beau ne plus avoir 9 ans, il lui arrive d’être rattrapée par ses souvenirs d’enfance. Ce qui s’est passé là-bas, à mi-chemin entre le rêve et l’insomnie, se poursuit sous d’autres formes ici, une vingtaine d’années plus tard. Que...
- Author:Nguyen, HoaSummary:
A new collection of poetry by Hoa Nguyen.
- Author:De Meijer, SadiqaSummary:
alfabet / alphabet is the record of Sadiqa de Meijer's transition from speaking Dutch to English. Exploring questions of identity, landscape, family, and translation, the essays navigate the shifting cultural currents of language by...
- Author:Sambury, LiselleSummary:
A rich, dark urban fantasy debut following a teen witch who is given a horrifying task: sacrificing her first love to save her family's magic. The problem is, she's never been in love—she'll have to find the perfect guy before she can...
- Author:Coyote, IvanSummary:
Beloved storyteller Ivan Coyote returns with their most intimate and moving book yet. Writer and performer Ivan Coyote has spent decades on the road, telling stories around the world. For years, Ivan has kept a file of the most special...
- Author:Mishka LavigneSummary:
ELLE je suis devenue l'ombre de moi l'ombre qui s'efface ses contours qui disparaissent dans la noirceur qui monte.
- Author:Power, PaulSummary:
Paul Power’s play, Crippled, has garnered awards and glowing reviews for his portrayal of his experiences as a person living with a disability. Now in a published form, his story of challenge, loss, and redemption presents universal...
- Author:Bouchard, SergeSummary:
De novembre 1975 à octobre 1976, Serge Bouchard a voyagé avec des camionneurs dans le Nord-Ouest québécois. Son but : étudier et observer leur travail pour en faire le sujet de sa thèse de doctorat. Serge Bouchard et Mark Fortier ont...
- Author:LaDuchesse, ChloéSummary:
Exosquelette : Appareil fixé sur le corps pour lui redonner sa mobilité. La poésie est l’exosquelette de Chloé LaDuchesse : «Mes os sont toujours creux, il n’y a rien à faire. Ce qui reste de moi, ce sont ces mots autour desquels je...
- Author:Britt, FannySummary:
Dans ce roman choral sur la dislocation progressive d'un couple, Fanny Britt creuse sans merci la question de nos privilèges. On y rencontre Adam et Marion, dont la vie auréolée de succès sera mêlée à celle de Celia, qui a...
- Author:Dowding, PhilippaSummary:
Firefly lived in the park across from her mother’s home. It was safer there. But after the bad night happens, and her baseball-bat-wielding mother is taken away, social services sends Firefly to live with her Aunt Gayle. She hardly...
- Author:Oloruntoba, ToluSummary:
Personal, primordial, and pulsing with syncopated language, Tolu Oloruntoba’s poetic debut, The Junta of Happenstance, is a compendium of dis-ease. This includes disease in the traditional sense, as informed by the poet’s time as a...
- Author:Gravel, FrançoisSummary:
La langue française, c’est tout un zoo ! Surtout lorsqu’elle raconte les bêtes et les bestioles. La langue au chat et autres poèmes pas bêtes, c’est un recueil de 21 nouveaux poèmes où les animaux sont en vedette, qu’importe s’ils...
- Author:Sénéchal, Jean-FrançoisSummary:
Depuis la naissance de son fils, Chris espère plus que jamais le retour de sa mère, partie le jour de ses dix-huit ans. Pourra-t-elle enfin accepter son handicap intellectuel ? Le petit Joseph saura-t-il la rendre heureuse ? Car les...
- Author:ViggSummary:
Ébranlé par cet atterrissage brutal, je m'avance au tableau noir. Tout le monde me regarde. J'ouvre la bouche. Rien ne sort. Rien du tout. Cette fable que je récitais comme on respire il y a à peine une heure, voilà qu'il ne m'en...
- Author:Luby, BrittanySummary:
In this lyrical story-poem, written in Anishinaabemowin and English, a child and grandmother explore their surroundings, taking pleasure in the familiar sights that each new season brings.
- Author:Robertson, DavidSummary:
A picture book celebrating Indigenous culture and traditions. The Governor General Award-winning team behind When We Were Alone shares a story that honors our connections to our past and our grandfathers and fathers. A boy and Moshom,...
- Author:Harbridge, PaulSummary:
An empowering and necessary picture book about a young girl with Down syndrome who gains confidence and independence through a visit to her grandparents. It's Kate's first time visiting her grandparents on her own at their lakeside home...
- Author:Langlais, TaniaSummary:
Mourir ne dure qu’un instant. Mais la douleur, lancinante, comme les vagues, recule pour mieux frapper de nouveau, recule et frappe encore. «Tout cela se passe en une journée.» Une chute à cheval, le fleuve qui recrache un cadavre, «...