This autobiographical novel traces the journey of a woman from her youth in Socialist Eastern Europe to her transplanted life in Montreal, Canada. She is a precocious, thoughtful child, whose early life in Romania is marked by the...
Autobiographical fiction
- Author:Dumitrescu, AlinaSummary:
- Author:Black, CatherineSummary:
In this, her second book, Catherine Black weaves together the wonder, heartache, and “unlovely beauty” of a youth that is by turns charmed and disquieting. Straddling genres of memoir, prose, and poetry, A Hard Gold Thread delights in...
- Author:Brontë, AnneSummary:
Like her sister Charlotte’s Jane Eyre, Anne Brontë’s classic lays bare the vulnerable position of the governess in 19th century England. Let down by irresponsible parents, ill-treated by employers, Agnes’s one chance at happiness lies,...
- Author:Bursey, LillianSummary:
Amy’s Journey is the story of a young girl, who at the age of twelve, is diagnosed with tuberculosis and becomes a patient in a Sanatorium. While on the road to recovery, she copes with a sudden death in her family which...
- Author:Furey, HubertSummary:
Stories, Tall Tales, and Truths of Newfoundland and Labrador
In this diverse collection of stories, Hubert Furey transports the reader back in time to an outport culture in which he lived and which has long since disappeared. It...
- Author:Tolstoy, LeoSummary:
These three connected early novels from the author of War and Peace and Anna Karenina form an intimate portrait of Russian youth. Begun when Leo Tolstoy was just twenty-three years old and stationed at a remote army outpost in the...
- Author:Lacasse, Marie-ÈveSummary:
Je n'ai jamais compris cette expression de "chez soi", se sentir bien "chez soi". En France, je suis étrangère; mais je suis étrangère où que j'aille et je n'ai trouvé, hélas, aucun lieu ni même aucun être auprès desquels je...
- Author:Drache, Sharon AbronSummary:
The interrelated stories of this pseudo-memoir introduce readers to Barbara Klein Muskrat, a successful author of fiction and freelance book reviewer. Spanning some thirty years in her personal and professional life, Barbara...
- Author:Saunders, MarshallSummary:
Marshall Saunders "Beautiful Joe" (1893) is a remarkable classic exploring issues of animal cruelty told from the point of view of one dog, Joe. This work was an instant success upon its release in Canada, becoming the first book to...
- Author:Thompson, CraigSummary:
Loosely based on the author's life, chronicles Craig's journey from childhood to adulthood, exploring the people, experiences, and beliefs that he encountered along the way. Wrapped in the landscape of a blustery Wisconsin winter,...
- Author:Tolstoy, LeoSummary:
Tolstoy's first published novel and the beginning of his Autobiographical Trilogy. Written when he was just twenty-three years old and stationed at a remote army outpost in the Caucasus Mountains, Childhood won Leo Tolstoy...
- Author:Woodall, DannySummary:
Angie Larson is raised by seemingly faithful Christian parents. But after her father begins abusing her, Angie asks her mother to divorce him. When her mom refuses, Angie is forced to suppress her memories and go on with her life....
- Author:Smart, ElizabethSummary:
Elizabeth Smart’s passionate fictional account of her intense love-affair with the poet George Barker, described by Angela Carter as ‘Like Madame Bovary blasted by lightening … A masterpiece’.
One day, while browsing in a London...
- Author:Tolstoy, LeoSummary:
Tolstoy's first published novel and the beginning of his Autobiographical Trilogy. Written when he was just twenty-three years old and stationed at a remote army outpost in the Caucasus Mountains, Childhood won Leo Tolstoy...
- Author:Martin, NastassjaSummary:
L'anthropologue raconte comment elle a été attaquée par un ours dans les montagnes du Kamtchatka. Défigurée, elle subit de nombreuses opérations, en Russie et en France. Malgré les épreuves, elle présente cet événement comme...
- Author:Boulianne-Tremblay, GabrielleSummary:
Dandelion Daughter is an intimate portrait of growing up having been assigned the wrong sex at birth. Set against the windswept countryside of the remote Charlevoix region some five hours north of Montreal, Boulianne-Tremblay's...
- Author:Dureuil, VirgileSummary:
Peut-on se détacher complètement du monde des hommes? Quitter la ville et son quotidien pour aller vivre au bout du monde, tel est le défi que s'est donné Sylvain Tesson. De février à juillet 2010, l'écrivain voyageur a choisi de...
- Author:Smedley, AgnesSummary:
This gritty autobiographical novel recreates the amazing life story of an American working class woman. Revered writer and activist Agnes Smedley worked to advance the cause of human justice on three continents as a writer and political...
- Author:Dickens, CharlesSummary:
David Copperfield traces the eponymous hero from misery in the Salem House Academy and drudgery in his stepfather's business, to his escape to Dover and an eccentric aunt where he transforms his life.
- Author:Shraya, VivekSummary:
In the fall of 2017, the acclaimed writer and musician Vivek Shraya began receiving vivid and disturbing transphobic hate mail from a stranger. Celebrated artist Ness Lee brings these letters and Shraya's responses to them to startling...