The quality of your life depends on YOU! Win over your toughest critic: your Self-Critic is the culprit who causes overwhelm, self-sabotage, hesitation and holding’s the loud inner voice of your doubts and fears. Learn how to...
Body, mind and spirit
- Author:Carter, Maria, Galan, NelySummary:
- Author:Proctor, Dina, McColl, PeggySummary:
Many people know that there is truth to behind the theory that thoughts and emotions affect the physical body, but not many know exactly how it works, or more importantly, how to use this knowledge to affect physical healing. Dina's...
- Author:Stap, SallySummary:
Smiling Again captures Sally’s experience with the removal of a brain tumor and the recovery process. It captures her faith journey while navigating the crisis. She educates the reader on the specific disease and explains how a...
- Author:ATWOOD, Mary DeanSummary:
Follow the Rainbow Path that Native Americans have travelled for centuries. Learn the remarkable spirit healing techniques of tribal shamans that can dramatically transform your inner spirit and bring you into harmony with the world...
- Author:McGonagill, Lynn, Mathur, BalbirSummary:
The Lightworkers Healing Method (LHM) is both a spiritual growth vehicle and a healing system with an exceptional goal: to align us with our soul’s life purpose. It improves the present by working with both past and future lives as well...
- Author:Dodaro, Melonie, Bigatton, John L., Wright, AngelaSummary:
The last method you'll ever need to lose weight and keep it off…for good! Losing weight can be a frustrating ordeal, but the secret to getting into great shape isn't a fad diet, a new supplement, or a dreadful workout plan…it's being...
- Author:LeBlanc, DianeSummary:
Bien des gens savent que l'huile essentielle de menthe poivrée facilite la digestion; c'est pourquoi on la retrouve dans la gomme à mâcher et les bonbons au menthol. Mais saviez-vous qu' elle peut aussi contribuer à...
- Author:Durand, ReinaldSummary:
Dans ce livre essentiel, Reinald Durand, philosophe de formation et pratiquant en méditation, nous explique le rôle que jouent les croyances dans notre vie, distinguant celles qui nous sont favorables et celles qui nous limitent. En...
- Author:Correia, Karen PaolinoSummary:
Angels are everywhere--watching over us and even guiding us without our knowledge. You can communicate with these heavenly messengers, and call upon them for counsel and consideration--you just have to learn how. Clairvoyant spiritual...
- Author:OshoSummary:
"The Sutra of Forty-Two Chapters" is a succinct summary doctrine by which Buddhism was introduced to China. Each of the 42 sutras begins with "the Buddha said". This particular sutra deals with "20 Difficult Things to Accomplish in this...
- Author:Chauran, AlexandraSummary:
Approfondissez chaque jour votre spiritualité Que vous désiriez la stabilité financière ou la réussite professionnelle, l'amour vrai ou l'harmonie familiale, votre recherche d'accomplissement et d'équilibre sera...
- Author:Alvarez, MelissaSummary:
Entrez en contact avec le coeur de votre être spirituel et élevez votre taux vibratoire grâce à 365 idées faciles et assez brèves pour que vous y ayez recours à chaque jour. Quand vous utilisez ce guide pour élever votre fréquence, vous...
- Author:Levin, H. A.Summary:
Following his telepathic communication with a mare named Bess, Levin delivers this chronicle of the historical links between humans and horses, in which horses express their thoughts on the impact that humans have on the Earth and state...
- Author:Patrzynski Bernard, MaudeSummary:
En parcourant les différentes pages de ce livre, vous serez amené à voyager dans l'Univers de Bouddha et plus particulièrement du Bouddhisme ainsi que de tout ce qui le concerne Découvrez que le bouddhisme fait partie de votre...
- Author:Patrzynski Bernard, MaudeSummary:
Depuis plusieurs années le pendule est considéré comme un outil ésotérique. Un instrument de divination pour les uns une escroquerie pour les autres. Pourtant il semblerait qu'il soit très souvent utilisé au quotidien par de...
- Author:Lessard, Pierre, Clouâtre, Josée, Gagner, Julie, Riendeau, MoniqueSummary:
Les Énergies du Maître Saint-Germain nous rappellent depuis toujours que nous sommes des Êtres universels en visite sur Terre pour exprimer nos dons et qualités profondes et ainsi nous unifier à nous –mêmes et à la vie qui nous entoure...
- Author:Tolle, EckhartSummary:
Tolle presents readers with an honest look at the current state of humanity: he implores us to see and accept that this state, which is based on an erroneous identification with the egoic mind, is one of dangerous insanity. However,...
- Author:Martela, FrankSummary:
What brings significance to our existences? Is happiness a worthy goal? What is the foundation for meaning in a secular society? Is life an existential void? A blend of philosophical insights and practical prescriptions, this book...
- Author:Rutkowski, Chris A.Summary:
UF0s are a truly global phenomenon. Although many of the best-known cases have taken place in North America, amazing stories of witnesses encounters with strange disc-shaped objects (and their occupants) have come from every corner of...
- Author:Rutkowski, Chris A.Summary:
We can’t escape them; aliens are everywhere. They sell us soft drinks and star in their own sitcoms. But to the many people who believe they have been abducted aboard strange crafts, aliens are a very serious reality. Stories of these...