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Body, mind and spirit

  • Author:
    Saint-Laurent, Gervais

    Imaginez-vous être au 17e siècle, vous venez de quitter votre pays natal, votre famille et vos amis pour vous aventurer dans un périlleux voyage en direction d'un nouveau continent, où les terres sont inconnues, sauvages et hostiles, dans le but de vous construire une nouvelle vie. C'est ce qu'on fait les premiers colons français venus en Nouvelle-France pour se donner une vie meilleure. De simples gens, hommes et femmes, courageux et volontaires, habités par l'énergie que procure la pensée «TESCUÉRIT» où la tête, le cœur et l'esprit ne font qu'un pour mieux progresser dans la réalisation de leur grande ambition, celle de vivre une vie prospère, heureuse et en paix. L'aspiration et la passion de leur rêve seront transmises à leurs descendants pour marquer l'histoire du peuple québécois à travers leur langue maternelle, leur culture et leurs valeurs. Dans un premier temps, ce livre relate, à travers le temps et l'histoire, les fondements qui ont amené des gens visionnaires, portés par un but commun, à donner naissance à un peuple distinct, celui de la Nation québécoise. Dans un deuxième temps, il vous invite à découvrir le peuple québécois à travers les saisons dans ses loisirs, ses créations, sa culture, ses valeurs, sa diversité et dans la beauté de ses différentes régions dont la langue française a de belles et ravissantes nuances colorées.

  • Author:
    Colombo, John Robert

    Terrors of the Night is a collection of more than 100 accounts of eerie events and weird experiences that have been recorded by Canadians over the last 400 years. These incredible accounts come from all parts of the country and concern witchcraft, peculiar weather conditions, wild beasts, hardly human creatures, omens, prophecies, powers beyond ours, miraculous cures, and bizarre behaviour generally. The narratives, often in the words of witnesses themselves, are taken from the columns of old newspapers, journals, and correspondence. It is an engrossing and unsettling experience to read these stories because the reader keeps asking the question, "Could such things happen?"

  • Author:
    Jones, Aurélia Louise

    Voici enfin réunis sur le même album, les méditations guidées tirées des tomes II et III de notre série de livre-audio « Telos » canalisé par Aurélia Louise Jones. Elles ont été remixées afin de vous offrir un son optimal. C'est une invitation à se recueillir en méditation au sein de chacun de ces temples des sept rayons sacrés, d'où émane une flamme divine de haute vibration. « Il serait salutaire que vous vous concentriez quotidiennement sur les énergies de l'un des sept rayons majeurs qui inondent la planète en provenance du Créateur. L'ensemble de leurs énergies déferle sur la Terre comme jamais auparavant, mais chaque jour, l'un des rayons prédomine. Travailler avec les sept rayons vous aidera à équilibrer vos sept chakras majeurs et apportera l'harmonie et le mieux-être dans vos vies actuelles ». ― Adama.

  • Author:
    Chopra, Deepak

    At every age we all need to know what life is really all about. Not just on the surface, but deep down. Teenagers are no exception. They deserve a spiritual life all their own. One that offers the kind of comfort we hope to give our children, but is different at the same time. More full of ideas. More mature. More fitting for the whole wide future that lies ahead. That's what Deepak Chopra has tried to do in this book, as fully and as honestly as possible.

  • Author:
    Anton, Bernard

    Basées sur des faits réels et peignant des archétypes humains fascinants, ces nouvelles décrivent l'univers intimiste de personnages qui se débattent avec les ennuis et surprises de chaque jour. Leur courage de vivre ou de survivre séduit, nonobstant les événements contrariants, et nous rappelle à nous-mêmes. Avec un souci du détail et une plume légère, fluide, ces pages interrogent différentes facettes de notre société. Elles révèlent qu'une part de lumière investit le quotidien et l'empêche de s'enliser dans le noir, en dépit de l'omniprésence de la mort et de la racine du mal difficile à arracher. Tant que Vie, personnage à la fois Impérieux et fragile, nous habite, elle nous propulse vers des expériences et des horizons parfois palpitants, où se côtoient réel et merveilleux, ordinaire et inattendu, plaisir et déplaisir, amour et aversion. Le réalisme poétique et la dose optimale d'humanité de ces épisodes de vie saisissent les mouvements subtils des labyrinthes de l'âme, la dimension transcendante, souvent cachée, qui conduit à l'éveil.

  • Author:
    Legault, Stephen

    A veteran of burnout himself, Legault looks at the culture of self-sacrifice that permeates the work done by volunteers and paid staff in the environmental conservation movement, and dissects how to manage our own time, energy, and commitment to our causes. Following a river-running metaphor, and proposing a variety of techniques to help with various states of anxiety resulting from burnout, including clarity of purpose, recognition of limits, fitness and diet, mediation and yoga, as well as organizational structural changes such as leave-of-absence policies, Legault encourages readers to find time to 'eddy out' to rest a moment in quieter waters and scout downriver to ensure our lifetime of engagement is fulfilling, effective, and self-sustaining.

  • Author:
    Foundation, Osho International

    Osho describes humanity as "superficially civilized'. Underneath of our so-called civilization we are still animals but our cultures cannot accept this fact. This Osho talk is about about unconsciousness, repression and expression of emotions. In responding to two personal questions Osho describes unconsciousness as the basement of our minds in which many things are buried which find expression through your conscious. Like, millions of people watch boxing or football matches and their enjoyment is the expression of hidden violence.

  • Author:
    Fischman, Michael

    Stumbling into Infinity is the intimate and sometimes startling account of Michael Fischman’s spiritual journey and the encounter that changed his life forever. His story opens on a flight to India, as he reflects on the unusual chain of events that led him from a challenging childhood to his unexpected role as friend and helper to a renowned humanitarian and spiritual leader. Michael Fischman’s fascinating and personal memoir takes us into the compassionate and mysterious world of an enlightened seer. It is a compelling narrative that blends remarkable experiences with an inner struggle and search for meaning.

  • Author:
    Fletcher, Emily

    You know you should be meditating, so what's stopping you? This entertaining and enlightening book by the founder of Ziva Meditation will finally take meditation mainstream. Filled with fascinating real-life transformations, interactive exercises, and practical knowledge, Emily Fletcher introduces you to a relevatory daily practice and shows you how to make it work for your modern life.

  • Author:
    Colombo, John Robert

    This is a chilling collection of 50 accounts of truly unusual events and experiences that are told by the people who experienced them. Are there ghosts here? Yes. Are there strange coincidences here? Yes. Are there strange creatures of the forest here? Yes. Are there conspiracies here? Yes. Are there horors here aplenty? Yes, yes! The accounts come from many regions of Canada and cover the last hundred or so years. These fascinating first-person accounts originate in the columns of old newspapers or in the highly readable narratives derived from correspondence conducted by the author with present-day witnesses. Shake hands with your fears and dreads. Here are engrossing and unsettling occurences that are supernatural or psychical, paranormal, or parapsychological, all betweent he covers of one book. Not for the faint of heart! Highly exciting reading!

  • Author:
    Tesh, Jane

    David Randall used to be a lively, carefree fellow with a talent for finding things. But his perfect family life was derailed when he lost his little daughter Lindsey in a car crash. Thrown out by his second wife and wanting to leave a dead-end detective agency to start his own, he reluctantly accepts his psychic friend Camden’s invitation to stay in his boarding house. Here he meets Kary Ingram; Ellin Belton, Camden’s intensely ambitious girlfriend; and an ever-changing assortment of Camden’s tenants, all searching for a home and family. When his client Melanie Gentry hires him to prove her great-grandmother was murdered by her lover, John Burrows Ashford, over authorship of Patchwork Melodies, Randall sets out to find a connection between this and the murder of Alfred Bennet as well as the murder of a Smithsonian director preparing a new PBS documentary on early American music. Things become complicated when Ashford’s spirit parks himself in Cam and refuses to leave until Randall proves Ashford’s innocence.

  • Author:
    Lamott, Anne

    From the bestselling author of Help, Thanks, Wow comes an honest, funny book about how to make sense of life's chaos. What do we do when life lurches out of balance? How can we reconnect to one other and to what's truly important when evil and catastrophe seem inescapable? These questions lie at the heart of Stitches, Anne Lamott's captivating follow-up to her New York Times?bestselling Help, Thanks, Wow. In this book, Lamott explores how and where we find meaning in our modern, frantic age, especially after personal and public devastation; how we recapture peace and balance after loss; and how we locate our spiritual identities in these frazzled times. We begin, Lamott says, by collecting the ripped shreds of our emotional and spiritual fabric and sewing them back together, one stitch at a time. It's in these stitches that the quilt of life begins, and embedded in them are strength, warmth and humanity.

  • Author:
    Leslie, Mark, Jelen, Jenny

    The magnetic aura surrounding Sudbury, for both the living as well as the once-alive, is the backdrop for tales of mystery, wonder, and outright horror. "I tried to leave" is a common theme for those from the Sudbury region. People often vow to move away, but something about the Nickel City keeps luring them back. Whether it’s the taste of fresh air – or just the sulphur in the air – it’s hard to move beyond the black rocks, endless lakes, and great openness without longing to come home. Some are so attached to the northern community that they choose to stick around, even when their physical life is over. After all, if the living can’t leave the place behind, why should the dead? Spooky Sudbury explores the magnetic aura surrounding the city, for the living as well as the once-alive, in these tales of the supernatural.

  • Author:
    Belyk, Robert C.

    The ghost of a scuba diver who still haunts the former British Columbia powerhouse where he met his death. An Alberta theatre where entities have been seen, heard, and even felt so often that it deserves to be called one of the most haunted sites in North America. The spirit of a dapper young man who is willing to share the second floor of a Saskatchewan museum—as long as the employees don’t linger after working hours. The ghostly nun who still occupies the third floor of a former Manitoba convent and has a strange way of making her presence known. The very frightening “Captain High Liner,” who took a special interest in one family living in his old seaside house.In his latest book in a series of western ghost story collections, Spirits of the West, Robert C. Belyk relates the stories of ghosts, both friendly and fearful, who haunt museums, hotels, pubs, houses, and many other locations throughout western Canada. These true stories will persuade the reader to turn on one more light during the long, dark night.

  • Author:
    Pitzalis, Chrystèle

    Le temps, frontière mystérieuse, appelle maintenant le disciple en quête d’éveil véritable à prendre conscience d’une nouvelle réalité qui lui est maintenant accessible. En effet, le temps se révèle ici en tant que conscience à l’œuvre permettant une cohésion interdimensionnelle. Le temps présente des portails ou sas donnant accès à nos différentes vies de différentes époques. Par un travail approprié sur soi, le temps devient ainsi un allié permettant l’échange de compétences entre nos vies, et ce, non seulement afin de nous assister dans notre éveil actuel, mais aussi dans un cadre évolutif beaucoup plus large où notre âme directrice rappelle à elle ses extensions projetées en diverses époques et sphères de vie − clôturant ainsi un vaste cycle universel. Fascinant. Afin de mieux saisir la portée de cet enseignement et de le rendre pratique, l’auteure a reçu le témoignage de quatre grandes initiées de la Grèce et de l'Égypte ancienne, de l’Atlantide et de la Lémurie. Dans ce deuxième tome, où l’histoire se situe en Égypte prédynastique, nous rencontrons Sôthis, qui, à la suite d’une expérience mystique inattendue aux côtés du grand prêtre Minnakhat, intègre le temple de Naqada. Elle y suit des enseignements et des initiations qui demeurent aujourd’hui très pertinents pour notre évolution actuelle. En partageant sa réalité temporelle et ses expériences spirituelles, Sôthis nous convie à aborder le Temps comme un être avec lequel collaborer et ainsi prendre une part active aux ascensions planétaire et humaine actuelles.

  • Author:
    Godbout, Mireille

    "UN OUTIL POUR LES PARENTS ET, ÉGALEMENT, POUR TOUS CEUX QUI TRAVAILLENT DANS LE DOMAINE DE LA PETITE ENFANCE Permettez-lui de connaître les bienfaits d'une relaxation avant de s'endormir. Que ce soit pour une sieste ou pour le dodo du soir, votre rayon de soleil apprendra à bien se détendre pour un meilleur sommeil. Cette relaxation permet à l'enfant de relâcher toutes les parties de son corps en exécutant des exercices amusants lorsqu'il est allongé. Il appréciera le moment où il devra aller au lit pour rejoindre Plexus, le cheval ailé, et pour nager dans l'océan avec ses nouveaux amis les dauphins. ".

  • Author:
    Kingsland, James

    Framed by the teachings of the Buddha, this book shows how ancient meditative practices anticipated the findings of modern neuroscience. This is a cutting-edge, big-picture assessment of meditation and mindfulness: how it works, what it does to our brains, and why it is vital today.

  • Author:
    Pickle, Oliver

    This is a queer tarot book, with images from the lesbian feminist Thea's Tarot deck that was originally printed in 1984. Included are descriptions of each card, as well as some instructions on reading tarot, the history of the deck, and queer interpretations of the cards.

  • Author:
    Tremaine, Laura

    Part memoir and part guidebook, Share Your Stuff. I'll Go First. is the invitation you've been waiting for to show up with your whole self and discover the intimate, meaningful friendships you long for. In spite of the hyper-connected culture we live in today, women still feel shamed for oversharing and being publicly vulnerable. And no matter how many friends we seem to have, many of us are still desperately lonely. Laura Tremaine, blogger and podcaster behind 10 Things To Tell You, says it's time for something better. Openness and vulnerability are the foundation for human growth and healthy relationships, and it all starts when we share our stuff, the nitty-gritty daily details about ourselves with others. Laura has led the way in her personal life with her popular blog and podcast, and now with lighthearted self-awareness, a sensitivity to the important things in life, and compelling storytelling, Laura gives you the tools to build and deepen the conversations happening in your life. Laura's stories about her childhood, her complicated shifts in faith and friendships, and her marriage to a Hollywood movie director will prompt you to identify the beautiful narrative and pivotal milestones of your own life. Each chapter offers intriguing and reflective questions that will reveal unique details and stories you've never thought to tell and will guide you into cultivating the authentic connection with others that only comes from sharing yourself. So let's get started! Share Your Stuff. I'll Go First.

  • Author:
    Hussain, Musharraf

    How do we develop a good understanding of right and wrong' How do we change ourselves so that we can live by the universal, moral values of Islam' This handbook tells us how to go about changing ourselves in seven steps. Based on Imam Ghazali's teachings, this handbook is attractively laid out and easy to understand. Musharraf Hussain is the chief executive of the Karimia Institute. In 2009 he was nationally recognized for his services to community relations in Britain. He is also a chair of the United Kingdom's national Christian-Muslim Forum.


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