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  • Author:
    Valognes, Aurélie

    À l'école, il y a les bons élèves... et il y a Gustave.Depuis son radiateur au fond de la classe, Gustave rêve. Le garçon aimerait rapporter des bonnes notes à sa mère, malheureusement ce sont surtout les convocations du directeur qu'il collectionne.Pourtant, Gustave est travailleur. Mais contrairement à ses camarades ou à Joséphine, sa grande soeur pimbêche et première de classe, les leçons ne rentrent pas. Pire, certains professeurs commencent à le prendre en grippe et à le croire fainéant.À force d'entendre qu'il est un cancre, Gustave finit par s'en convaincre, sans imaginer qu'une rencontre peut changer le cours des choses.Parfois, il suffit d'un rien pour qu'une vie bascule du bon côté...Un roman universel, vibrant d'humour et d'émotion lu avec maestria par François Berland.

  • Author:
    Schroeder, Stassi

    Discover how to embrace your best basic self in this laugh-out-loud funny guidebook from the breakout star of Bravo's hit reality show Vanderpump Rules, perfect for fans of the relatable and entertaining books by The Betches and Andi Dorfman. Millions of Vanderpump Rules viewers and podcast listeners know Stassi Schroeder as a major defender of Basic Bitch rights. There's nothing more boring than people who take themselves too seriously or think that you have to be pretentious to be cool. Stassi champions the things that many of us are afraid to love publicly for fear of being labeled basic: lattes, pugs, bubbly cocktails, millennial pink, #OOTD (outfit of the day, obvs), astrology, hot dogs, the perfect pair of Louboutins, romantic comedies ... the list goes on and on. This book is for people tired of pretending they would rather see a Daniel Day-Lewis movie about sewing or read War and Peace than watch a Saw marathon or read ... well, this book! In Next Level Basic, the reality star, podcast queen, and ranch dressing expert gives you hilarious and pointed lessons on how to have fun and celebrate yourself, with exclusive stories from her own life and on the set of Vanderpump Rules. From her very public breakups to her most intimate details about her plastic surgery, Stassi shares her own personal experiences with her trademark honesty--all with the hope you can learn something from them.

  • Author:
    McManus, Patrick F.

    McManus will teach you the wisdom that is usually shared only in the close ranks of modern-day hunters and gatherers. Whether he's poking fun at fly fishing or taking on some other sportsman's icon, he is sure to have you laughing out loud.

  • Author:
    Leiren-Young, Mark

    Winner of the 2009 Stephen Leacock Medal for Humour. The cops wanted to shoot me, my bosses thought I was a Bolshevik, and a local lawyer warned me that some people I was writing about might try to test the strength of my skull with a steel pipe. What more could any young reporter hope for from his first real job? The night Mark Leiren-Young drove into Williams Lake, British Columbia, in 1985 to work as a reporter for the venerable Williams Lake Tribune, he arrived on the scene of an armed robbery. And that was before things got weird. For a 22-year-old from Vancouver, a stint in the legendary Cariboo town was a trip to another world and another era. From the explosive opening, where Mark finds himself in a courtroom just a few feet away from a defendant with a bomb strapped to his chest, to the case of a plane that crashed without its pilot on board, Never Shoot a Stampede Queen is an unforgettable comic memoir of a city boy learning about—and learning to love—life in a cowboy town.

  • Author:
    Pritchett, Georgia

    When comedy writer Georgia Pritchett found herself lost for words, she turned to a therapist, who suggested she write down some of her worries. But instead, Georgia wrote this book on living, and thriving, with anxiety.

  • Author:
    Gutman, Dan.

    Did you know that Muhammad Ali was so terrified of flying on planes that he would bring a parachute? Or that he won the Presidential Medal of Freedom? Bet you didn't know that he had an official sweat-taster to determine how salty his sweat was after each match! Siblings Paige and Turner do?and they've collected some of the most unusual and surprising facts about him, from his childhood and the spark of his boxing career through his time as heavyweight champion of the world. Narrated by the two spirited siblings, Muhammad Ali Was a Chicken! is an authoritative, accessible, and one-of-a-kind biography infused with Dan Gutman's signature zany sense of humor.

  • Author:
    Bluper, Liz, Plastique, Renee

    Does your mother-in-law still buy your husband underwear? Show up at your home unannounced? Do you keep hoping that aliens will kidnap her? If so, you must have M.I.L.D.E.W.! M.I.L.D.E.W., the playful acronym for Mothers-in-Law Do Everything Wrong, has allowed authors Liz Bluper and Renee Plastique to conduct covert conversations about their M.I.L.D.E.W.s for the last decade — without drawing the ire of their husbands. As humorous stories accumulated over the years, they began to broaden their M.I.L.D.E.W. storytelling circle. Soon, that circle spanned the globe, resulting in the first-ever truly fun humor book on mothers-in-law. From the all-too-revealing quiz to the laugh-out-loud stories to the Hey, that really might work strategies, this book gives new meaning to the word M.I.L.D.E.W. M.I.L.D.E.W. gave me a Thigh Master for Christmas one year. —Margot, Connecticut When I was pregnant with my first child, a son, M.I.L.D.E.W. wanted us to name him after her husband, Ken. My husband and I, however, decided to name our son Jacob. M.I.L.D.E.W. refused to accept this, and proceeded to call our son Ken. What's up with that? —Gretchen, Maine Running the gamut from famous M.I.L.D.E.W. — such as the queen of England — to everyday M.I.L.D.E.W.s just like yours, this witty insightful book transcends age, gender, culture, geography and time. The hysterical tales of holiday chaos, helpful child-rearing advice, pre-wedding moments of horror and M.I.L.D.E.W. gift-giving gone awry will keep you laughing and dying to share it with your friends.

  • Author:
    Elliott, Rob

    Over 1.5 million sold! Now, all four classic joke books in one collection. Laugh-Out-Loud Jokes for Kids, More Laugh-Out-Loud Jokes for Kids, Knock-Knock Jokes for Kids, and Laugh-Out-Loud Animal Jokes for Kids all in one set.

  • Author:
    Van De Water, Ann

    Mommy Memoirs is a delightful journey from pregnancies and births to marriages and a hysterectomy! There are few stones left unturned as author Ann Van De Water describes her hectic life as a mother of three boys in short read-it-and-run stories that will have her audience laughing out loud one minute and grabbing tissues the next. These true-to-life experiences filled with humor, tenderness, practicality, and joy, written by a “been there, done that” mom, will have other moms and grandmothers reminiscing and expectant moms anticipating their own adventures. All will come away knowing they are not alone on their journey through motherhood.

  • Author:
    Hamilton, Cathy

    'Is that what you're going to wear?' Used indiscriminately for sons, daughters, and husbands, this one is a not-so-subtle attempt to make family members rethink their wardrobe choice. Deciphering the clandestine conspiratorial language that all moms know and use to full effect, Cathy Hamilton translates more than 100 enigmatic maternal utterances to convey the difference between what Mom says and what she means.

  • Author:
    Koy, Jo

    A stunning, hilarious memoir displaying Koy's "wide-ranging comedic talent and abundant wells of perseverance" (Kirkus Reviews, starred). Mixed Plate illuminates the burning drive and unique humor that make Jo Koy one of today's most successful comedians. Well guys, here it is--my story. A funny, sad, at times pathetic but also kick-ass tale of how a half-Filipino, half-white kid whose mom thought (and still thinks) his career goal was to become a clown became a success. Not an overnight success, because that would have made for a really short read, but an All-American success who could give my immigrant mom the kind of life she hoped for when she came to this country, and my son the kind of life I wished I'd had as a kid. With all the details of what it felt like to get the doors closed in my face, to grind it out on the road with my arsenal of dick jokes, and how my career finally took off once I embraced the craziness of my family, which I always thought was uniquely Filipino but turns out is as universal as it gets. In this book, I'll take you behind the mic, behind the curtain--OK, way behind it. From growing up with a mom who made me dance like Michael Jackson at the Knights of Columbus, to some real dark stuff, the stuff we don't talk about often enough as immigrants. Mental health, poverty, drinking. And show you the path to my American Dream. Which was paved with a lot of failure, department store raffle tickets to win free color televisions, bad jokes, old VHS tapes, a motorcycle my mom probably still hates, the only college final I aced (wasn't math), and getting my first laugh on stage. In this book, I get serious about my funny. And I want to make you laugh a little while I do it. I'm like Hawaii's favorite lunch--the mixed plate. Little bit of this, a little bit of that. My book Mixed Plate is too.

  • Author:
    Byrd, Olivia deBelle

    While Olivia deBelle Byrd was repeating one of her many Southern stories for the umpteenth time, her long-suffering husband looked at her with glazed over eyes and said,“Why don’t you write this stuff down?” Thus was born Miss Hildreth Wore Brown: Anecdotes of a Southern Belle. If the genesis for a book is to shut your wife up, I guess that’s as good as any.  On top of that, Olivia’s mother had burdened her with one of those Southern middle names kids love to make fun.  To see “deBelle” printed on the front of a book seemed vindication for all the childhood teasing.  With storytelling written in the finest Southern tradition from the soap operas of Chandler Street in the quaint town of Gainesville, Georgia, to a country store on the Alabama state line, Oliviade Belle Byrd delves with wit and amusement into the world of the Deep South with all its unique idiosyncrasies and colloquialisms.  The characters who dance across the pages range from Great-Aunt LottieMae, who is as “old-fashioned and opinionated as the day is long,” to Mrs. Brewton, who calls everyone “dahling” whether they are darling or not, to Isabella with her penchant for mint juleps and drama. Humorous anecdotes from a Christmas coffee, where one can converse with a lady who has Christmas trees with blinking lights dangling from her ears, to Sunday church,where a mink coat is mistaken for possum, will delight Southerners and baffle many a non-Southerner. There is the proverbial Southern beauty pageant, where even a six-month-old can win a tiara, to a funeral faux pas of the iron clad Southern rule—one never wears white after Labor Day and, dear gussy, most certainly not to a funeral. Miss Hildreth Wore Brown—Anecdotes of a Southern Belle is guaranteed to provide an afternoon of laugh-out-loud reading and hilarious enjoyment.

  • Author:
    Bailly, Guillaume

    On l’a bien vu dans Six pieds sous terre, cette série culte de HBO : les funérailles sont souvent le théâtre d’événements drôles, gênants, étonnants, inoubliables ! Dans Mes sincères condoléances, l’entrepreneur en pompes funèbres Guillaume Bailly ouvre à son tour les portes de cet univers méconnu et raconte le meilleur de ce qu’il a vécu dans l’organisation de plus de 2000 cérémonies. Bourdes familiales, lapsus macabres, incidents techniques, demandes surprenantes, gaffes spectaculaires… Il y en a pour tous les goûts ! Véritables pieds de nez à la mort, ces anecdotes colorées sont autant de preuves que la réalité dépasse parfois la fiction.

  • Author:
    Hamilton, Cathy

    Menopause means . . . breaking down in sobs at the checkout counter when you realize you love Costco more than your husband." — Menopause Means . . . Never Having to Say You're Chilly Cathy Hamilton humorously defines exactly what it means to grapple with simultaneous hot flashes, memory loss and insomnia. Women born between 1945 and 1964 account for 27.7 percent of the American population. Approximately 83 million women in this demographic are also experiencing a surge of hormones as they approach that significantly female midlife milestone. For herself and others like her, Cathy Hamilton characterizes the telltale signs of menopause in Menopause Means . . . Never Having to Say You're Chilly. Hamilton's 100 hilarious insights on menopause are accompanied by full-color spot illustrations. They include: Menopause means . . . trading the fear of pregnancy for the greater fear of a man with a Viagra prescription. Menopause means . . . becoming intimately familiar with the shopping channel hosts populating the airwaves at 3:30 a.m. In addition to authoring more than 10 humor titles with A.M.P., Hamilton has also launched a Web site for women over 40:

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  • Author:
    Irby, Samantha

    Samantha Irby explodes onto the printed page with her debut collection of brand-new essays about trying to laugh her way through failed relationships, being black, taco feasts, bouts with Crohn's disease, and more. Every essay is crafted with the same scathing wit and poignant candor thousands of loyal readers have come to expect from visiting her notoriously hilarious blog,

  • Author:
    Bishop, Carolyn

    If you love goofing off and laughing out loud when you’re supposed to be learning something, Meaningless Platter Dudes: Language Transformed on a Platter of Fun is for you. From the inventive mind of author Carolyn Bishop, Meaningless Platter Dudes: Language Transformed on a Platter of Fun is a joyous exploration of fun with language. This book of puns is a must read for those who enjoy a light-hearted and intelligent play on words. It’s a great afternoon read that will compel any reader to solve Carolyn’s wonderfully written word puzzles.

  • Author:
    Sedaris, David

    Creative nonfiction writer David Sedaris presents a humorous, yet touching collection of personal essays. As featured in The New Yorker and Esquire as well as read aloud on National Public Radio, this collection relates to listeners Sedaris' fascinatingly funny life story, delivered with his signature deadpan style.

  • Author:
    Smith, Robert, Cartmel, Andrew

    You’re outnumbered, in fear for your life, surrounded by flesheating zombies. What can save you now? Mathematics, of course. Mathematical Modelling of Zombies engages the imagination to illustrate the power of mathematical modelling. Using zombies as a “hook,” you’ll learn how mathematics can predict the unpredictable. In order to be prepared for the apocalypse, you’ll need mathematical models, differential equations, statistical estimations, discretetime models, and adaptive strategies for zombie attacks—as well as baseball bats and Dire Straits records (latter two items not included).In Mathematical Modelling of Zombies, Robert Smith? brings together a highly skilled team of contributors to fend off a zombie uprising. You’ll also learn how modelling can advise government policy, how theoretical results can be communicated to a nonmathematical audience and how models can be formulated with only limited information. A forward by Andrew Cartmel—former script editor of Doctor Who, author, zombie fan and all-round famous person in science-fiction circles—even provides a genealogy of the undead. By understanding how to combat zombies, readers will be introduced to a wide variety of modelling techniques that are applicable to other real-world issues (biology, epidemiology, medicine, public health, etc.). So if the zombies turn up, reach for this book. The future of the human race may depend on it.

  • Author:
    Hultin, Claire, Hultin, Lisa

    Have you ever had an unforgettable date? Sure you have, but did he arrive dressed as Elvis and it wasn't Halloween? What about the guy who said, "I'm divorced" but failed to mention having since remarried? Learn how to be a savvy shopper of the online menu and gain the important investment anyone makes-your affection, trust and time. Lisa and Claire Hultin are a mother-daughter team, who date online, compare notes and have collected real life experiences from men and women who are dipping their toes into online dating exposing the real "cyber-scene." They share insight, tips, tricks and entertaining stories that reveal the perils and successes you can encounter while navigating through the Internet jungle. Learn positive strategies and what to look out for from finding true love and great sex to the deception and outrageous incidents people experience in online "dating limbo." This self-help, high comedy and drama all wrapped up in narratives gives you a titillating bird's eye view of what you can encounter if you take the plunge. Reality is the best education!

  • Author:
    Van Ness, Jonathan

    In this candid and curious essay collection, Jonathan takes a thoughtful, in-depth look at timely topics through the lens of his own personal experience. These stories speak to doing the work to challenge internalized beliefs, finding compassion and confidence, and learning more about what makes us all so messy and gorgeous.


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