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  • Author:
    Love, Loni

    The "Chelsea Lately" panelist imparts humorous advice about finding love by putting oneself first, sharing anecdotes and Q&A-style romance tips to counsel women on how to avoid exploitative relationships.

  • Author:
    Slate, Jenny

    "Magical" -Mindy Kaling "Delicious"- Amy Sedaris "It made me remember I was alive" - George Saunders. Hello! I looked into my brain and found a book. Here it is. Inside you will find: The smell of honeysuckle. Heartbreak. A French-kissing rabbit. A haunted house. Death. A vagina singing sad old songs. Young geraniums in an ancient castle. Birth. A dog who appears in dreams as a spiritual guide. Divorce. Electromagnetic energy fields. Emotional horniness. The ghost of a sea captain. And more I hope you enjoy these little weirds. Love, Jenny Slate

  • Author:

    The funny, sad, super-honest, all-true story of Chelsea Handler's year of self-discovery-featuring a nerdily brilliant psychiatrist, a shaman, four Chow Chows, some well-placed security cameras, various family members (living and departed), friends, assistants, and a lot of edibles "This will be one of your favorite books of all time."-Amy Schumer. In a haze of vape smoke on a rare windy night in L.A. in the fall of 2016, Chelsea Handler daydreams about what life will be like with a woman in the White House. And then Donald Trump happens. In a torpor of despair, she decides that she's had enough of the privileged bubble she's lived in-a bubble within a bubble-and that it's time to make some changes, both in her personal life and in the world at large. At home, she embarks on a year of self-sufficiency-learning how to work the remote, how to pick up dog shit, where to find the toaster. She meets her match in an earnest, brainy psychiatrist and enters into therapy, prepared to do the heavy lifting required to look within and make sense of a childhood marked by love and loss and to figure out why people are afraid of her. She becomes politically active-finding her voice as an advocate for change, having difficult conversations, and energizing her base. In the process, she develops a healthy fixation on Special Counsel Robert Mueller and, through unflinching self-reflection and psychological excavation, unearths some glittering truths that light up the road ahead. Thrillingly honest, insightful, and deeply, darkly funny, Chelsea Handler's memoir keeps readers laughing, even as it inspires us to look within and ask ourselves what really matters in our own lives. Advance praise for Life Will Be the Death of Me "You thought you knew Chelsea Handler-and she thought she knew herself-but in her new book, she discovers that true progress lies in the direction we haven't been."-Gloria Steinem "I always wondered what it would be like to watch Chelsea Handler in session with her therapist. Now I know."-Ellen DeGeneres "I love this book not just because it made me laugh or because I learned that I feel the same way about certain people in politics as Chelsea does. I love this book because I feel like I finally really got to know Chelsea Handler after all these years. Thank you for sharing, Chelsea!"-Tiffany Haddish

  • Author:
    Franken, Al

    For the first time since his bestselling Rush Limbaugh is a big fat idiot, Franken trains his subversive wit directly on the contemporary political scene. Now, the "master of political humor" (Washington post) destroys the myth of liberal bias in the media and exposes how the Right shamelessly tries to deceive the rest of us. No one is spared as Al uses the Right's own words against them: not Ann Coulter, Bill O'Reilly, Roger Ailes, the entire Fox network nor the Bush administration. This is the book Al Franken fans have been waiting for (and his foes have been dreading).

  • Author:
    Krasny, Michael

    From the host of NPR affiliate's Forum with Michael Krasny comes a compendium of Jewish jokes that packs the punches with hilarious riff after riff and also offers a window into Jewish culture.

  • Author:
    Dawson, Tracy

    Writer, actor, and feminist Tracy Dawson profiles women throughout history who disguised themselves as men to gain opportunities, from mining to medicine to athletics to piracy, denied them because of their gender.

  • Author:
    Barry, Dave

    Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist and bestselling author Dave Barry reads his latest book on how he learned to age gracefully, taking cues from his beloved and highly intelligent dog, Lucy. Faced with the obstacles and challenges of life after middle age, Dave Barry turns to his best dog, Lucy, to learn how to live his best life. From "Make New Friends" (an unfortunate fail when he can't overcome his dislike for mankind) to "Don't Stop Having Fun" (validating his longtime membership in a marching unit that performs in parades-and even Obama's inauguration), Dave navigates his later years with good humor and grace. Lucy teaches Dave how to live in the present, how to let go of daily grievances, and how to feel good in your own skin. The lessons are drawn from Dave's routine humiliations and stream-of-consciousness accounts of the absurdities of daily life, which will leave readers heaving with laughter and recognition. Laugh-out-loud hilarious, whether he's trying to "Pay Attention to the People You Love" (even when your brain is not listening) or deciding to "Let Go of Your Anger," Dave Barry's Lessons From Lucy is a witty and wise guide to joyous living.

  • Author:
    Aird, Robert, Joubert, Lucie, Laurendeau, Marc, Dubois, André, Lepage, Guy A., Boily, Luc, Cotte, Jérome, Lafortune, Jean-Marie, Laplante, Yvon, Nevert, Lélia, Nevert, Michèle, Paré, Christelle

    Les Cyniques : une anthologie Groupe d’humoristes des années 60 composé d’André Dubois, de Marc Laurendeau et des regrettés Marcel Saint-Germain et Serge Grenier, les Cyniques ont profondément marqué non seulement le public québécois de l’époque mais aussi le monde de l’humour en général. Cette anthologie est susceptible de rappeler des moments d’humour mythiques et propres à fasciner un lectorat plus jeune. Avec l’inestimable collaboration de Marc Laurendeau et d’André Dubois, qui ont veillé à la sélection des textes les plus représentatifs du groupe, cet ouvrage s’ouvre sur une présentation de Robert Aird, historien de l’humour et professeur à l’École nationale de l’humour, qui situe pour nous les principaux jalons du contexte social qui a servi de toile de fond et d’inspiration aux Cyniques. Bref, voyage dans le temps ou découverte, cette anthologie constitue un document précieux pour l’histoire de l’humour au Québec. Sept études Pour les chercheurs passionnés du travail des Cyniques, il ne suffit plus de dire que le groupe occupe une place prépondérante dans le monde de l’humour québécois : il faut maintenant montrer en quoi, justement, et dans quelle mesure leur travail a façonné l’humour actuel. Le présent recueil, qui se veut interdisciplinaire par la diversité de ses approches, met en relief l’intelligence et l’audace de ceux qui, encore étudiants à l’époque, furent les acteurs d’une société en pleine mutation. L’ouvrage est complété par un témoignage de Guy A. Lepage et une réflexion de Luc Boily. Des études de : Robert Aird, Jérôme Cotte, Lucie Joubert, Jean-Marie Lafortune, Yvon Laplante, Lélia Nevert, Michèle Nevert et Christelle Paré.

  • Author:
    Elliott, Rob

    Over 1.5 million sold! Now, all four classic joke books in one collection. Laugh-Out-Loud Jokes for Kids, More Laugh-Out-Loud Jokes for Kids, Knock-Knock Jokes for Kids, and Laugh-Out-Loud Animal Jokes for Kids all in one set.

  • Author:
    Elliott, Rob

    Over 1.5 million sold! Now, all four classic joke books in one collection. Laugh-Out-Loud Jokes for Kids, More Laugh-Out-Loud Jokes for Kids, Knock-Knock Jokes for Kids, and Laugh-Out-Loud Animal Jokes for Kids all in one set.

  • Author:
    Pirk, Wendy

    Let's go on safari to darkest Africa where there are the most iconic animals in the world: elephant, lion,cheetah. zebra, gazelle and many more!

  • Author:
    Fonseca, Aleilton, Varin, Claire, Forget, Danielle

    Un regard moqueur sur le quotidien des couples … Quiproquo, jalousies, tabous, propos machistes, ironie sur le monde savant, sans oublier l’importance du soccer… Un savoureux mélange à déguster en 26 petits récits. La femme de rêve est un recueil de nouvelles bien ancrées dans la réalité brésilienne actuelle qui fait cependant écho à la réalité de la vie nord-américaine et européenne. Les thèmes reflètent la complexité des rapports humains dans un genre résolument humoristique porté par un narrateur ingénu et bon vivant. Rien n’est épargné. Les histoires forment une fresque de situations et de mises en scène cocasses qui traduisent bien les contradictions de la vie moderne.

  • Author:
    Elliott, Rob

    Over 1.5 million sold! Now, all four classic joke books in one collection. Laugh-Out-Loud Jokes for Kids, More Laugh-Out-Loud Jokes for Kids, Knock-Knock Jokes for Kids, and Laugh-Out-Loud Animal Jokes for Kids all in one set.

  • Author:
    Einstein, James Allan

    Hey, kids! These jokes are just for you to tell any time - at home, at school, at your favourite hangout! Your friends will be rolling in the aisles! Q: Why were the early days of history called the dark ages? A: Because there were so many knights!

  • Author:
    Montgomery, Monte

    A humorous kid's guide to the strange and mysterious habits of grown-ups, covering why adults drink coffee, why your dad wears a suit, and what teachers really talk about in the teacher's lounge, and featuring advice on how to make a babysitter work for 'you', how to negotiate a higher allowance, and how to outsmart a substitute teacher.

  • Author:
    Kain, Bob

    Collects over one hundred jokes, riddles, and tongue twisters about a variety of subjects, including animals, bugs, food, monsters, and vehicles.

  • Author:
    Bilodeau, Ashley

    Phew, what stinks? Not these jokes! Explore all the hilarious and smelly stuff our bodies get up to like farting, burping, pooping, barfing, sneezing and more. Packed with hilarious jokes, riddles and fun facts for kids, Jokes That Stink! is sure to have you laughing-and farting-up a storm! - Why are ninja farts so dangerous? They're silent but deadly! - The world record for the longest burp is 1 minute 13 seconds 57 milliseconds long! - Why did the booger cross the road? Because he was being picked on! - Most people spend 3 years of their life sitting on the toilet!

  • Author:
    MacLennan, David

    Kids will roll on the floor with laughter reading these silly and ridiculous jokes, and then run to tell their friends! Jokes for Canadian Kids is chock full of good, clean laughs: * Q: What trees do ghouls like best? A: Ceme-trees! * Did you hear about the girl who started dating a boy and found out he had a wooden leg? She broke it off, of course! * Q: How do you make a tissue dance? A: Put a little boogey in it! * A rubber band pistol was confiscated during algebra class, because it was a weapon of math disruption. * Q: Are hamburgers male or female? A: Male, because they're called boygers, not girlgers!

  • Jam
    Croshaw, Yahtzee

    We were prepared for an earthquake. We had a flood plan in place. We could even have dealt with zombies. Probably. But no one expected the end to be quite so... sticky... or strawberry scented. Yahtzee Croshaw (Mogworld, Zero Punctuation Reviews) returns to print with a follow-up to his smash-hit debut: Jam, a dark comedy about the one apocalypse no one predicted. * The hilarious new novel by the author of Mogworld! * Croshaw's Zero Punctuation Reviews is the most viewed video game review on the web! * For lovers of bizarre horror and unforgettable characters!

    "[Croshaw is] able to pull off slapstick comedy in print, and that's no easy feat." –ComicsAlliance

  • Author:
    Andrews McMeel Publishing

    "Whether wine is a nourishment, medicine or poison is a matter of dosage."—Paracelsus For the wine lover on your list, this clever collection entertains and reminds us that it's always time to drink wine. Lift a glass, kick back and enjoy the wit and wisdom of Frank Sinatra, William Shakespeare, Dorothy Parker and other jovial imbibers. "Now is the time to drink!"—Horace A man ought to get drunk at least twice a year . . . so he won't let himself get snotty about it.—Raymond Chandler Keeping one's guests supplied with liquor is the first law of hospitality.—Margaret Way


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