In The Vanishing Face of Gaia, British scientist James Lovelock predicts global warming will lead to a Hot Epoch. Lovelock is best known for formulating the controversial Gaia theory in the 1970s, with Ruth Margulis of the University of...
Nature and the environment
- Author:Lovelock, JamesSummary:
- Author:Casey, SusanSummary:
From Susan Casey, bestselling author of The Devil's Teeth, an astonishing book about colossal, ship-swallowing rogue waves and the surfers who seek them out. For centuries, mariners have spun tales of gargantuan waves, 100-feet...
- Author:Forsyth, ScottSummary:
An astounding collection of photographs and essays celebrating the grandeur of Canada's most remote regions located along the three ocean coastlines. Divided into three main sections - the Atlantic (Newfoundland and Labrador), the...
- Author:Debbink, AndreaSummary:
The wonder of the natural world surrounds us--from the Amazon rainforest to the snowy peaks of Mount Everest to the green spaces in big cities. And as the threat of climate change grows, it's more important than ever to show...
- Author:Woodcock, Donald L.Summary:
From a secluded cottage on Vancouver Island, Woodcock wrote for newspapers and magazines all across the country, winning various awards. This is a collection of his nature writing which has appeared in Reader's Digest, Outdoor Canada,...
- Author:Weisman, AlanSummary:
Most books about the environment build on dire threats warning of the possible extinction of humanity. Alan Weisman avoids frightening off readers by disarmingly wiping out our species in the first few pages of this remarkable book. He...
- Author:Klein, NaomiSummary:
The most important book yet from the author of the international bestseller The Shock Doctrine, a brilliant explanation of why the climate crisis challenges us to abandon the core “free market” ideology of our time, restructure the...
- Author:Edwards, Andres R.Summary:
Every 15 seconds on our Earth Island, a child dies from waterborne disease. Three times an hour, another species becomes extinct. Each day we consume 85 million barrels of oil and pump 23 million tons of carbon dioxide into an already...
- Author:Silver, AkivaSummary:
The organic grower's guide to planting, propagation, culture, and ecology Trees are our allies in healing the world. Partnering with trees allows us to build soil, enhance biodiversity, increase wildlife populations, grow food and...
- Author:Duchesne, ChristianeSummary:
Le souvenir restait imprécis, pas net du tout, c'était très vague. Ça n'avait pas de contours, ça se dessinait à peine, mais ce souvenir-là tentait vraiment de remonter à la surface. Clara le savait, il y avait une histoire de tête de...
- Author:Kolbert, ElizabethSummary:
That man should have dominion "over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth" is a prophecy that has hardened into fact. So pervasive are human impacts on the planet that it's said we live...
- Author:Attenborough, DavidSummary:
La véritable tragédie de notre époque se déroule sous nos yeux, à l'échelle de la planète tout entière : la disparition de notre milieu naturel. Notre mode de vie actuel précipite la biodiversité vers un déclin certain....
- Author:Angus, CharlieSummary:
For twenty-two years politicians and businessmen pushed for the Adams Mine landfill as a solution to Ontario's garbage disposal crisis. This plan to dump millions of tonnes of waste into the fractured pits of the Adams Mine...
- Author:Koonin, Steven E.Summary:
"Surging sea levels are inundating the coasts." "Hurricanes and tornadoes are becoming fiercer and more frequent." "Climate change will be an economic disaster." You've heard all this presented as fact...
- Author:Gordon, JonSummary:
In Unsustainable Oil: Facts, Counterfacts and Fictions, Jon Gordon makes the case for re-evaluating the theoretical, political, and environmental issues around petroleum extraction. Doing so, he argues, will reinvigorate our...
- Author:Packer, John, Gould, A. JoyceSummary:
Packer and Gould have provided an invaluable service for anyone interested in western North American botany by creating a simple, user-friendly and portable key to the Alberta species found in the 30-volume set of Flora of North America...
- Author:Macdonald, HelenSummary:
Animals don't exist in order to teach us things, but that is what they have always done, and most of what they teach us is what we think we know about ourselves. From the bestselling author of H is for Hawk comes Vesper Flights, a...
- Author:Diaz, HarrySummary:
Although there is considerable historical literature describing the social and economic impact of drought on the prairies in the 1930s, little has been written about the challenges presented by drought in more contemporary times. The...
- Author:Franklin-Wallis, OliverSummary:
An award-winning investigative journalist takes a deep dive into the global waste crisis, exposing the hidden world that enables our modern economy - and finds out the dirty truth behind a simple question: what really happens to what we...
- Author:Summary:
Art about the climate crisis that calls for justice and systemic change while raising funds to help tackle the problem. We are in a climate emergency. The polar bears are starving, Australia is burning. Climate anxiety--like sea levels...