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Self-help publications

  • Author:
    Clear, James

    The #1 New York Times bestseller. Over 2 million copies sold!

    No matter your goals, Atomic Habits offers a proven framework for improving--every day. James Clear, one of the world's leading experts on habit formation, reveals practical strategies that will teach you exactly how to form good habits, break bad ones, and master the tiny behaviors that lead to remarkable results.

    If you're having trouble changing your habits, the problem isn't you. The problem is your system. Bad habits repeat themselves again and again not because you don't want to change, but because you have the wrong system for change. You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems. Here, you'll get a proven system that can take you to new heights.

    Clear is known for his ability to distill complex topics into simple behaviors that can be easily applied to daily life and work. Here, he draws on the most proven ideas from biology, psychology, and neuroscience to create an easy-to-understand guide for making good habits inevitable and bad habits impossible. Along the way, readers will be inspired and entertained with true stories from Olympic gold medalists, award-winning artists, business leaders, life-saving physicians, and star comedians who have used the science of small habits to master their craft and vault to the top of their field.

    Learn how to:
      •  make time for new habits (even when life gets crazy);
      •  overcome a lack of motivation and willpower;
      •  design your environment to make success easier;
      •  get back on track when you fall off course;
    ...and much more.

    Atomic Habits will reshape the way you think about progress and success, and give you the tools and strategies you need to transform your habits--whether you are a team looking to win a championship, an organization hoping to redefine an industry, or simply an individual who wishes to quit smoking, lose weight, reduce stress, or achieve any other goal.

  • Author:
    Brown, Brené

    In Atlas of the Heart, Brown takes us on a journey through eighty-seven of the emotions and experiences that define what it means to be human. As she maps the necessary skills and lays out an actionable framework for meaningful connection, she gives us the language and tools to access a universe of new choices and second chances--a universe where we can share and steward the stories of our bravest and most heartbreaking moments with one another in a way that builds connection.

  • Author:
    Kirschenbaum, Daniel

    8 Steps to Weight Control Power shatters widespread beliefs about the addictive nature of food and offers an empowering method for effective weight loss. Wellspring president Kirschenbaum shows that weight problems are caused primarily by resistant biological forces within us, our culture and a lack of knowledge about how to manage and overcome these challenges. To lose weight permanently, weight control seekers must become "weight controller athletes" and learn to mold their bodies in a healthier direction, just as athletes do. Kirschenbaum provides key steps necessary to maximize one's inner power to control weight. He enables readers to understand the body's resistance to weight loss and helps them learn how to effectively manage food to decrease the body's biological resistance. He asserts the importance of increasing movement, while providing strategies to develop an athlete's power of concentration through focus and self-monitoring logs. Readers will become proficient weight controller athletes and gain the necessary tools for a lifetime of successful weight control.

  • Author:
    Robbins, Tony

    Tony Robbins returns with the final book in his financial freedom trilogy by unveiling the power of alternative investments. Robbins, and renowned investor Christopher Zook, take you on a journey to interview a dozen of the world's most successful investors in private equity, private credit, private real estate, and venture capital. They share their favorite strategies and insights in this practical guidebook. For decades, trillions of dollars in "smart money" has been making outsized returns using private equity, private credit, venture capital and other alternative investments. Robbins teams up with renowned private equity investor Christopher Zook, founder of CAZ Investments, to sit down with more than a dozen of the world's greatest alternative investment managers, collectively managing over half a trillion dollars on behalf of investors. Names like... Robert F. Smith - Founder of Vista Equity Partners, Smith is the considered the most successful enterprise software investor of all time. Vinod Khosla - Founder of Khosla Ventures, Vinod Khosla is considered a legend in Venture Capital. He is famous for turning a

  • Author:
    Scoles, Sarah, De Pree, Christopher Gordon

    This book helps us reconnect to the solar system once more, guiding us through the fundamental ways in which our planet moves through the solar system and how these motions determine our perception of time and place. Offering a concise yet in-depth look at the Sun, the Moon, the planets, and the stars, it teaches us to observe and understand the elements comprising the celestial sphere--deepening our lives and helping us become more informed, engaged, and mindful every day.

  • Author:
    Allen, James

    James Allen's literary essay and book As a Man Thinketh was originally published in 1903. The novel is written in terms of responsibility assumption, which is a doctrine that any person has complete responsibility for the events that happen to them. Every situation you are in is because of your choice, no other outside factors. Allen's novel takes this thought and acts as a guide for an individual to lead a more full and happy life, by using the power of thought to change one's life through a better attitude. Allen is quoted saying "The price of the book is only one shilling, and it can be carried in the pocket and that it is a book that will help you help yourself".

  • Author:
    Elder, Hinemoa

    Through 52 whatatauki - traditional Māori life lessons - Māori psychiatrist Dr Hinemoa Elder shares the power of Aroha and explores how it could help us all every day...The 52 life lessons are arranged into 4 chapters that introduce the different, important facets of Aroha: Manaakitanga (kindness); Kaitiakitanga (love for our world); Whanaungatanga (empathy); and Tino rangatiratanga (what is right).

  • Author:
    Woods, John

    This text is designed for the Critical Thinking and Logic courses found in philosophy and general education departments at both universities and colleges.

    The most unique feature of the text is its solid foundation in logic. The discussion of fallacies is integrated with logic in a way not seen in other texts. This treatment provides students with tools to evaluate their own and other peoples thinking logically as well as analyze and assess an argument.

  • Author:
    Isensee, Rik

    "Readers of this book should be ready to experience an engaging intimate conversation about how to live with wisdom and passion while embarked on the uncertain journey of midlife. Gay men of all ages will be enriched by Isensee's timely and eloquent synthesis of his clinical work and the firsthand accounts of ten remarkably articulate men. If you are curious about life after coming out, Are You Ready' is a landmark that will serve as a reference point in your own travels. It just may redirect your life."-Robert M. Kertzner, M.D., Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, Columbia University

  • Author:
    Legge, Matthew

    Unfounded beliefs and hateful political and social divisions that can cascade into violence are threatening to pull the world apart. Responding to fear and aggression strategically and with compassion is vital if we are to push back against the politics of hate and live in greater safety and harmony. But how to do it? Are We Done Fighting? is brimming with the latest research, practical activities, and inspirational stories of success for cultivating inner change and spreading peace at the community level and beyond.

  • Author:
    Morton, Kati

    Licensed marriage and family therapist and YouTube personality Kati Morton answers the most commonly asked questions about mental health, including when to get help and where to find it.

  • Author:
    Lamontagne, Diane

    Comment vit-on après le deuil d’un être cher qui choisit quitter ce monde ? Un jour ou l’autre, nous vivons tous de l’impuissance face à notre destin. La vie est faite de petites morts et un jour, voilà qu’arrive cette grande mort. Sans avertir, elle est là et tout chavire abruptement. De plus en plus présent, le suicide cause de la souffrance et de l’incompréhension. Cette mort qui marque la vie, provoque d’énormes répercussions. Il faut dévoiler la douleur et la dévastation qu’il engendre et se questionner pour mettre un terme à cette libération maudite. Déchirement, choc, incompréhension, colère, souffrance, trahison, sentiment de blâme, abandon, culpabilité… Les peines font partie de la vie. « Comment as-tu pu croire que ta vie est devenue une peine sans fin ? Le suicide, c’est la finalité pour toi qui nous quittes. Mais c’est aussi la finalité… sans finalité… pour ceux qui restent. Sans le vouloir, ta souffrance est devenue la mienne… Elle est devenue la réalité de ceux qui restent Après le suicide ». Y a-t-il la vie après la mort ? Y a-t-il immortalité de l’âme ? Qu’en est-il du « jugement dernier » face au suicidé ? « Suite à ton décès, avec l’aide d’un médium, j’ai communiqué avec toi. Directement… de là-haut… ou plutôt de l’au-delà… tu as répondu à mes questions. » « Je vous raconte ma triste réalité, suite au suicide. Je vous fais part de mon état d’âme suite à ce drame et à tout ce questionnement que la situation provoque. » Diane Lamontagne a vécu ce drame vécu personnellement. Afin de lever le voile sur le suicide, véritable tabou, dont personne ne veut parler, elle s’est donnée comme mission de sensibiliser le public aux réalités que vivent les membres de l’entourage d’une personne qui s’est suicidée. Elle livre ici sa toute première expérience d’écriture dans un but d’aide et de compassion.

  • Author:
    Mikulas, William L.

    Apprivoisez votre esprit pour jouir d’une meilleure santé mentale et physique. Dans le monde frénétique dans lequel nous vivons, l’esprit peut souvent se transformer en singe ivre et succomber au stress, à l’éparpillement et au désordre. Au lieu de céder à la frustration et à l’anxiété, apprenez à rester calme et concentré et à vous libérer des pensées indésirables grâce à ce livre qui vous guidera sur la voie de la pleine conscience. Apprivoisez votre singe intérieur s’inspire des traditions millénaires de sagesses et des pratiques en usage autant dans la psychologie et la médecine occidentales qu’orientales. Ce guide complet permet de cultiver et d’améliorer les trois comportements de l’esprit que sont la concentration, l’éveil et la souplesse. Découvrez l’efficacité des exercices de respiration basés sur la pranayama yogique, la médecine chinoise et la science occidentale. Utilisez la méditation et les autres techniques de pleine conscience pour accéder à une créativité, une concentration, une conscience du corps et un éveil spirituel renouvelés. Passer du niveau novice à maître vous permettra d’améliorer la santé de votre corps, de votre esprit et de votre âme.

  • Author:
    Sauvé, Colette

    Cette nouvelle édition propose une gamme de moyens d'action pour aider l'enfant à s'épanouir dans sa famille à l'école et dans son milieu de vie. Des chapitres portant sur la coexistence de ce désordre neurologique avec d'autres troubles (troubles d'apprentissage d'opposition d'anxiété...) et sur le lien d'attachement parent-enfant ont notamment été ajoutés au contenu. L'auteur présente pour chaque groupe d'âge (3-5 ans 6-12 ans adolescents) trois parcours destinés aux parents : s'informer comprendre et accepter ce désordre neurologique prendre conscience de ses habiletés d'éducateur et mettre en place des stratégies nouvelles permettant d'exercer une influence constructive sur l'enfant ou l'adolescent.

  • Author:
    Fillion, Marie-José

    Ayant exercé la profession d’ergothérapeute pendant plus de 30 ans, j’ai côtoyé des personnes handicapées, des gens en perte d’autonomie, des aidants naturels. J’ai beaucoup appris de ces gens sur la vie, le courage, la détermination et l’extraordinaire capacité d’adaptation de l’être humain.

  • Author:
    Martin, Sylvie

    Entre 2 et 6 ans, les enfants apprivoisent et décodent le langage. À leur propre rythme, ils emmagasinent des connaissances importantes qui les accompagneront toute leur vie. Mais que faire quand on suspecte ou que l'on constate des difficultés d'acquisition chez l'un d'eux ? L'apprentissage des sons et des phrases propose des moyens concrets et enrichissants pour favoriser le développement du langage tout en s'amusant ! Il convie à faire avec l'enfant un voyage sur la route du langage et à découvrir ses composantes et ses particularités tout en évitant certains pièges. Bricolages, jeux, comptines, livres, exercices stimulants… c'est un guide interactif, coloré et complètement adapté aux besoins de celui qui cherche à mieux communiquer. Un outil efficace et précieux pour tous les parents, éducateurs et enseignants !.

  • Author:
    Falck, Magda Lipka

    With 75 prompts to inspire interaction and conversation between people, wherever they find themselves, this handy ebook is a creative tool for thinking and acting differently. From "Get lost somewhere together with someone you like" to "Ask people you meet today about their biggest life lesson. Take notes," the whimsical and thought-provoking activities invite users to engage with friends, family, and strangers in imaginative ways. Perfect for people looking to discover new things about themselves and others!

  • Author:
    Fairhurst Breen, Mary

    Can the strength accumulated over a lifetime of losses be enough to cope with a daughter's death?What was it like growing up as a smart girl in a world of 1970s suburban conformity? What family secrets were hidden behind the vertical blinds and sliding glass doors, or swept under the orange shag carpets? Is it possible to move from married mother-of-two to lesbian feminist activist without passing heartache?In her bittersweet memoir, Mary Fairhurst Breen sketches scenes from a life darkened by four generations of mental illness and addiction. Despite the odds, Mary's sense of humor and willingness to practice 'radical acceptance' see her through the chaos to a life full of friends, art, and the joys of being a grandmother. Ultimately, she must face her greatest challenge of all when her daughter becomes one of the tens of thousands of people every year to die of opioid poisoning. This is a journey of awakening and activism, and a portrait of a life to be celebrated in all its complexity.

  • Author:
    Grose, Michael

    Anxious Kids offers parents a new perspective on their children's anxiety, encouraging them to view each episode as an opportunity to empower their kids with the skills to manage anxiety, and thrive. Bestselling parenting author Michael Grose and wellbeing expert Dr Jodi Richardson explain why more children than ever before experience anxiety. In plain language that can be shared with children, they outline the origins and biology of anxiety to make sense of it - key knowledge such as why it happens, the flood of physical symptoms that comes with it, how to calm it down and why each strategy works. Grose and Richardson also give advice on a range of important steps parents can take to develop emotional intelligence, tolerance of discomfort, mindfulness, resilience, thinking skills and flourishing mental health. In so doing, parents can reduce the impact of anxiety, enabling children of all ages to live their lives in full colour.

  • Author:
    Lucado, Max.

    When it comes to anxiety, depression, and stress-related illnesses, America is the frontrunner. Thankfully, there's a practical prescription for dealing with them. Anxious for Nothing, the most recent book from New York Times bestselling author, Max Lucado, provides a roadmap for battling with and healing from anxiety. Does the uncertainty and chaos of life keep you up at night' Is irrational worry your constant companion' Could you use some calm' If the answer is yes, you are not alone. According to one research program, anxiety-related issues are the number one mental health problem among women and are second only to alcohol and drug abuse among men. Stress-related ailments cost the nation


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