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Eyes Like Pigeons

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  • Publisher:
    Brick Books, 1992
    Note: This book was purchased with support from the Government of Canada's Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability Component.


  • Author: Rees, Roberta

    Co-winner of the 1992 Gerald Lampert Award. Winner of the 1992 Writers Guild of Alberta Award for Poetry

    Eyes Like Pigeons, Roberta Rees' long poem, comes back, always, to this: "… Thi' in Vietnamese means poetry." Thi, a Vietnamese refugee, is this book’s associational matrix; playing with the possibilities of her name, Rees writes of Thi, poetry both self-reflexive and self-reflective, and immensely different from that which idealizes women with cliches like the title of this volume. The poetry she finds through Thi is as harsh as it is beautiful; its content as sorrowful as the style is liberating, joyful.

    Subject(s): Canadian poetry
    Original Publisher: London, Brick Books
    Language(s): English
    Collection(s)/Series: Brick Books Poetry