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Floating bodies

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  • Publisher:
    Guernica Editions, 2010
    Note: This book was purchased with support from the Government of Canada's Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability Component.


  • Author: Roorda, Julie

    Bodies float in rapture, and in death, transported by waves of pleasure, or lapped by failure, fallen, having flown too close to the sun. The poems in this collection are at once macabre and ecstatic, probing the body by means of metaphysics and transcendence through pure sensuality. They describe the disintegration of story that occurs in the face of false love or faith, revealing the ironies, the non sequiturs, the sacrifice. Witty and bereaved, Floating Bodies offers a complex interweave of intimate and public moments, turning again and again on the same question: can suffering be said to have meaning?

    Original Publisher: Toronto, Guernica Editions
    Language(s): English