Rita and Alfred Allmers live in an isolated family cabin on native leasehold land overlooking Indian Arm, a still untamed glacial fjord just north of Vancouver, BC. With Alfred—a formerly promising novelist—now struggling with his...
Governor General's Literary Awards 2017
Congratulations to the 2017 Governor General’s Literary Award Winners! It has been a pleasure to work with the Canada Council for the Arts to bring you the 2017 winners in accessible formats. As they have in previous years, the Council granted us early access to the winners' list, which made it possible for us to have them here for you today. The full list of winners, and further information about the GG's and Canada Council for the Arts, can be found on the Governor General's Literary Awards website.
More titles will be added to this collection over the coming month, so feel free to check back to see what has been included. While we cannot always produce every longlisted title, if our collections do not contain a book you would like to read, or your preferred format is not available, we encourage you to send us a request! To access our request form, log into your NNELS account and search for the book you want. If we do not currently have the book in our libraries, there will be a link to the Title Request Form above the filters on any page of search results.
For more great Canadian reading, check out some of the previous years' winners and nominees of the Governor General's Literary Awards!
- Author:Kanagawa, HiroSummary:
- Author:Robertson, DavidSummary:
When a young girl helps tend to her grandmother’s garden, she begins to notice things about her grandmother that make her curious. Why does her grandmother have long braided hair and wear beautifully coloured clothing? Why does she...
- Author:Drouin, VéroniqueSummary:
Depuis le départ de son père, Mathilde a quitté le cégep afin de subvenir à ses besoins et à ceux de sa mère devenue alcoolique. La jeune fille est caissière dans une épicerie, où elle subit l’humeur exécrable d’un supérieur qui la...
- Author:Guay-Poliquin, ChristianSummary:
Dans une véranda cousue de courants d’air, en retrait d’un village sans électricité, s’organise la vie de Matthias et d’un homme accidenté qui lui a été confié juste avant l’hiver. Telle a été l’entente : le vieil homme assurera la...
- Author:Bouchard, SergeSummary:
Connaissez-vous Massassoit, le vieux sage de la nation wampanoag, Jean-Baptiste Faribault et Jean Baptiste Eugène Laframboise, ces aventuriers canadiens-français qui ont bâti l’Ouest américain, ou l’oncle Yvan, revenu de la guerre alors...
- Author:Harrison, RichardSummary:
In his final years, Richard Harrison's father suffered from a form of dementia, but he died without ever forgetting the poems he had memorized as a student and had taught to Richard as a child. In 2013, the poet feared his father's...
- Author:Laverdure, BertrandSummary:
It’s 2006 and down-and-out protagonist Ghislain works as a reader for a publishing house in Montreal. He’s bored with all the wannabe writers who are determined to leave a trace of their passage on earth with their feeble attempts at...
- Author:Johnston, AviaqSummary:
After a strange and violent blizzard leaves young shaman-in-training Pitu stranded on the sea ice--without his dog team or any weapons to defend himself--he soon realizes that he is no longer in the word that he once knew. The storm has...
- Author:Trudeau, AlexandreSummary:
Depuis l’enfance, Alexandre Trudeau est fasciné par la Chine. Il retrace ici pour nous ses pérégrinations dans ce pays qui est synonyme de démesure et brosse un portrait saisissant de la Chine contemporaine, sans doute le plus grand...
- Author:Hynes, Joel ThomasSummary:
Scrappy tough guy and three-time loser Johnny Keough seizes an unexpected "clean slate" opportunity as a sign from above and embarks on an epic hitchhiking journey across Canada to deliver his girlfriend's ashes to a fabled beach on the...
- Author:Sarah, de LeeuwSummary:
Finalist for the 2017 Governor General's Literary Awards--Non-Fiction!
Finalist for the Roderick Haig-Brown Regional Prize at the 2018 BC Book Prizes!
Where It Hurts is a highly charged collection of personal essays,...