Once the golden child of tiny Linden Falls, Iowa, Allison Glenn watches her reputation crumble as she is sent to prison for five years--convicted of a terrible crime. But what really happened that fateful night? Allison's younger sister...
Adoptive parents
- Author:Gudenkauf, HeatherSummary:
- Author:Rauhala, AnnSummary:
“What a lucky girl!” Everybody who has adopted a daughter from China has heard that one. And every parent has said, or thought, in reply: “No, we’re the lucky ones.” This anthology sets out to explain why people who have adopted...
- Author:Gillespie, Bruce, Van Luven, LynneSummary:
Our quest for origin and, by extension, identity is universal to the human experience. For the twenty-five contributors to Somebody’s Child, the topic of adoption is not—and perhaps never can be—a neutral issue. With unique courage,...
- Author:Simpson, Susan LantzSummary:
"She's yours." Up until now, Rosanna Mast's hopes for the future have all revolved around handsome Henry Zook. But when a young Englisch girl places her newborn daughter in Rosanna's arms and utters those words, shock quickly turns to...
- Author:Monroe, DebraSummary:
In this memoir, the soon-to-be divorced Debra buys a dilapidated Texas cabin miles from her teaching job. While waiting to adopt a child, she refurbishes and expands the rude dwelling. She soon finds herself in the strange new world of...
- Author:Godin, Louis-DanielSummary:
L'enfant arrive dans sa famille à l'âge de cinq jours. Très jeune, amour et argent le taraudent. A-t-on une dette envers quelqu'un lorsqu'on a été adopté ? Il ne cesse dès lors de compter de manière obsessive les pertes et les...
- Author:Fortin, AnnickSummary:
Témoignage émouvant d’une maman Par un froid matin de janvier 1989, j’entre-ouvre mes paupières lourdes à la suite de l’anesthésie générale. Je croise le regard triste de ma mère assise à mon chevet. Je comprends que l’intervention ne s...
- Author:Tuohy, Leigh AnneSummary:
For the first time, the remarkable couple depicted in The Blind Side tells their own inspiring story. First came the bestselling book, then the Oscar-nominated movie, but until now, Leigh Anne and Sean Tuohy have never told their tale...
- Author:Mierau, MauriceSummary:
In 2005, Maurice Mierau and his wife, Betsy, travelled to Ukraine to adopt two small boys, age three and five. After weeks of delays while navigating a tangled bureaucracy, they returned to Canada as a proud new family of four. Now what...
- Author:Larochelle, Marie-HélèneSummary:
"The story of a successful young couple from Toronto whose comfortable life is gradually destroyed by a mysterious set of twins they adopt from Russia."--
- Author:Rivers, FrancineSummary:
Following A Voice in the Wind and An Echo in the Darkness, As Sure as the Dawn continues the chronilcles of Hadassah, a Christian slave woman living during the height of the Roman Empire.
- Author:Johnston, WayneSummary:
A World Elsewhere has all the hallmarks of Wayne Johnston's most beloved and acclaimed novels: outsiders yearning for acceptance, dreams that threaten to overpower their makers, and unlikely romance. It is an astounding work of...
- Author:Grey, AndrewSummary:
Josh held baby Vivien when she took her first breath in the world, and he has loved every breath she’s taken since. Now Vivien needs a home—a “for real” forever home, and Josh would love to be the one who takes her in. But Josh’s...
- Author:Ryan, DarleneSummary:
For much of her adult life, Darlene believed she wouldn't make a good mother: "Besides, I couldn't admit to anyone that I didn't know how to do mother things. So I married someone who didn't want to have children either." Everything...
- Author:O'Leary, SaraSummary:
When a teacher asks her class to think about what makes their families special, the answers are all different, but the same in one important way...
- Author:Hoy, ToniSummary:
Second Time Foster Child links parents locked into a custody relinquishment nightmare with other historically oppressed peoples. Child welfare attorneys, judges, and child welfare professionals will gain understanding of the parents’...