Here is one book every job hunter needs. Fast paced, with no fluff, Winning Job Interviews is packed with strategies and techniques that are practical, market-proven, and easy to use. Combining 30 years of career expertise with equal...
Employment interviewing
- Author:Powers, PaulSummary:
- Author:Davis, BrianSummary:
Few of us have ever experienced anything like the current job market. Millions of jobs have disappeared, and everyone from experienced executives to newly minted college graduates are facing the toughest environment in decades. Which is...
- Author:Kay, AndreaSummary:
It is the behaviors that people exhibit before, during and after interviews that lead interviewers to say "no." Kay helps you learn to make a positive and genuine impression, demonstrate what type of employee you'll be, and remove all...
- Author:Beshara, TonySummary:
Beshara presents a simple yet incredibly powerful step-by-step system that allows listeners to take control of their own day-to-day job search process. In addition to illuminating real-life job search stories, the audiobook contains...
- Author:Bailo, Paul J.Summary:
Today more than ever, job candidates make initial contact with prospective employers via the telephone. Phone interviews are often the most unexpected facet of job interviewing, yet they are fast becoming the standard for employers when...
- Author:Baur, JeanSummary:
Even with a fairly detailed job description or a briefing by a knowledgeable recruiter, job candidates rarely have all the tools they need to ace their interviews. This is one of the reasons why interviews are so harrowing — we have to...
- Author:Yate, Martin JohnSummary:
Presents a set of rules and guidelines for effective job interviewing, providing the thought behind three hundred common interview questions and answers and including tips on stressful situations and strange interview venues.
- Author:Poundstone, WilliamSummary:
Each year about 28 million Americans begin a search for a new job. Millions more live in the age of the permanent job search, their online profiles eternally awaiting a better offer. Job seekers are more mobile and better informed than...
- Author:Powers, PaulSummary:
When it comes to getting a job, the smallest mistake can trip you up. For thirty years Dr. Paul Powers has asked thousands of successful job hunters a few basic but important questions:What do you wish someone had told you when you...
- Author:Kessler, RobinSummary:
"This book will provide any candidate with a successful game plan to tackle even the most difficult competency-based interview." –Dennis Donovan, former Executive VP of Human Resources, Home Depot
People interviewing for jobs...
- Author:Beshara, TonySummary:
Packed with more than 450 sample questions, "Acing the interview" gives you candid advice on answering even the trickiest and most unexpected interview questions.
- Author:Jensen, DavidSummary:
There are methods to the hiring process that if applied in your business can help you eliminate costly turnover and inefficient staff. All business owners and Human Resource executives want that. Most are unfortunately not achieving...