The author addresses the crucial environmental issues of our times and considers the impact on the economies of the world.
Environmental aspects
- Author:Brown, Lester R.Summary:
- Author:Linton, JamieSummary:
We all know what water is, and we often take it for granted. Because it seems so natural, we seldom question how we see water. But the spectre of a worldwide water crisis suggests that there might be something fundamentally wrong with...
- Author:Burstyn, VardaSummary:
Megawealthy William Greele has put together a consortium of CEOs to build a gargantuan pipeline to pump Quebec water to the U.S. Contemptuous of the concerns of environmentalists and confident that his minions have muzzled the press,...
- Author:Pollon, Earl K., Matheson, Shirlee SmithSummary:
This Was Our Valley was a phenomenal success when first released in 1989, winning the Alberta Culture Nonfiction prize as well as the Silver medal for the Roderick-Haig Brown BC Books award. Construction of the W.A.C. Bennett Dam...
- Author:Willard, Bob.Summary:
Smart sustainability strategies and how they can benefit the bottom line.
- Author:Summary:
This book reveals how ordinary people at every level are transforming their businesses and communities. By working collaboratively across boundaries, they are exploring and putting into place unprecedented solutions that move beyond...
- Author:Turner, ChrisSummary:
- Author:Ghitter, Geoff, Keough, NoelSummary:
Calgary, Alberta is a culturally diverse urban metropolis. Sprawling and car-dependent, fast-growing and affluent, it is dominated by the fossil fuel industry. For 30 years, Calgary has struggled to turn sustainability rhetoric into...
- Author:Al, StefanSummary:
The global boom in skyscrapers-why it's happening now, how they're made, and what they do to cities and people. We are living in a new urban age and its most tangible expression is the "supertall": megastructures...
- Author:O'Brien, KeithSummary:
From the New York Times best-selling journalist, the staggering, hidden story of an unlikely band of mothers who discovered the deadly secret of Love Canal, and exposed one of America's most devastating environmental disasters....
- Author:Cline, Elizabeth L.Summary:
This work evaluates the costs of low priced clothing while tracing the author's own transformation to a conscientious shopper, a journey during which she visited a garment factory, learned to resole shoes, and shopped for local,...
- Author:Arsenault, KerriSummary:
" This is a listen for anyone interested in small-town America, how it's changed, and why it matters...Though Arsenault may not be a professional narrator, her passion for these important stories comes through with just the...
- Author:Hogan, HollySummary:
From the heart of the Labrador Current to the furthest reaches of our global oceans, Message in a Bottle conjures an exquisite diversity of marine life and warns of a central threat to its survival: ocean plastic. The dovekie is a...
- Author:Nadeau-Dubois, GabrielSummary:
Monsieur Legault, au printemps 2019, vous avez prévenu les journalistes : il ne faut pas s'attendre à ce que vous vous transformiez en « bonhomme vert » ! Je présume que c'était votre manière - on reconnaît la...
- Author:Summary:
"Beginning with the Grand Rapids Dam in the 1960s, hydroelectric development has dramatically altered the social, political, and physical landscape of northern Manitoba. The Nelson River has been cut up into segments and fractured by a...
- Author:Summary:
- Author:Winston, Andrew S.Summary:
All too often, companies push so-called green initiatives to the side when the economy hits a downturn. Winston illustrates why this is a mistake and offers a comprehensive plan for reversing this trend, delivering short-term gains, and...
- Author:Epstein, AlexSummary:
The New York Times bestselling author of The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels draws on the latest data and new insights to challenge everything you thought you knew about the future of energyFor over a decade, philosopher and energy expert...
- Author:Struzik, EdwardSummary:
In the spring of 2016, the world watched as wildfire ravaged the Canadian town of Fort McMurray. Firefighters named the fire "the Beast" because it behaved in seemingly sinister and often unpredictable ways. Many of them hoped that they...
- Author:Hanley, PaulSummary:
The sweeping changes that make a 'full world' work-involving dual processes of destruction and reconstruction-will transform global culture, agriculture, and ultimately the human race. Eleven is a call to consciousness. Only an 'ethical...