Canadians often see politicians as trained seals who vote on command and repeat robotic talking points. Politicians are torn by dilemmas of loyalty to party versus loyalty to voters. Whipped: Party Discipline in Canada examines the...
Political parties
- Author:Marland, AlexSummary:
- Author:Bullock, IanSummary:
During the period between the two world wars, the Independent Labour Party (ILP) was the main voice of radical democratic socialism in Great Britain. Founded in 1893, the ILP had, since 1906, operated under the aegis of the Labour Party...
- Author:Kaplan, JoshuaSummary:
In this course, University of Notre Dame professor, Joshua Kaplan provides and understanding of how American politics works and can help make sense of election results and political trends.
- Author:McGrane, DavidSummary:
The New NDP is the definitive account of the evolution of the New Democratic Party's political marketing strategy in the early twenty-first century. In 2011, the federal NDP achieved its greatest electoral success - becoming the...
- Author:Hak, GordonSummary:
This comprehensive history of the left in British Columbia from the late nineteenth century to the present explores the successes and failures of individuals and organizations striving to make a better world. Nineteenth-century coal...
- Author:Aivalis, ChristoSummary:
Pierre Elliott Trudeau – radical progressive or unavowed socialist? His legacy remains divisive. The Constant Liberal traces the charismatic politician’s relationship with the left and labour movements throughout his career. Christo...
- Author:Pammett, Jon H., Dornan, ChristopherSummary:
The Canadian Federal Election of 2008 is a comprehensive analysis of all aspects of the campaign and election outcome. The chapters are written by leading professors of political science, journalism, and communications. They examine the...
- Author:Adams, ChristopherSummary:
Politics in Manitoba is the first comprehensive look at the Manitoba party system. It combines political history with contemporary public opinion data to reveal the political and voter trends that have shaped the province of Manitoba...
- Author:Summary:
Relatively little attention has been paid to the contributions of the CCF/NDP in Canadian politics. Surveying the field of political history in Canada, one might assume that the politics of the nation have been shaped solely by the...
- Author:Johnston, Richard, Sharman, CampbellSummary:
Party systems. Party organization. For too long, scholars researching in these two areas have worked in isolation. This book bridges the divide by bringing together political scientists from both traditions to examine the intersection...
- Author:Porta, Donatella dellaSummary:
The ascendance of austerity policies and the protests they have generated have had a deep impact on the shape of contemporary politics. The stunning electoral successes of SYRIZA in Greece, Podemos in Spain and the Movimento 5 Stelle (...
- Author:Thorn, Brian T.Summary:
In From Left to Right, Brian Thorn explores what motivated Canadian women to become politically engaged in the 1940s and ’50s. Although women in these decades are often depicted as being trapped in the suburbs, they joined diverse...
- Author:Seidle, F. LeslieSummary:
This book is one of 23 volumes of research commissioned by the Royal Commission on Electoral Reform and Party Financing, and one of five volumes within this series dealing specifically with party and election finance. Because the issue...
- Author:Ross, Alexander ReidSummary:
US society is notoriously complacent when it comes to the rise of fascist tendencies. When Dylann Roof murdered nine black parishioners in a Charleston church, media emphasis remained superficial. Familiar narratives of insane lone...