Have you ever experienced imposter syndrome? Do you often find yourself seeking approval from others? Is beating yourself up getting you down? Then this book can help. With thought-provoking advice, a step-by-step action plan and a...
- Author:Rickman, CherylSummary:
- Author:Summary:
This collection takes a holistic view of well-being, seeking complementarities between Indigenous approaches to healing and Western biomedicine. Topics include traditional healers and approaches to treatment of disease and illness;...
- Author:Kempton, BethSummary:
This is the definitive guide that teaches you how to use the Japanese concept of wabi sabi to reshape every area of your life and find happiness right where you are. Fed up with the exhausting challenges of our fast-paced, consumption-...
- Author:Borges, AnnaSummary:
Borges gathers over two hundred tips, activities, and stories (from experts and everyday people) into an A-to-Z list, from asking for help and burning negative thoughts to the importance of catching some zzz's.
- Author:Mogi, Ken.Summary:
Welcome to ikigai, a Japanese mind-set that will change your life. Ken Mogi, a Japanese expert and best-selling writer, reveals all about this mysterious and fascinating miracle that is at the heart of Japan's record-breaking long life...
- Author:Wong, Jonathan, Rakowski, Robert A.Summary:
The Happy Body will cover many of the common health problems faced by people in the developed world. It will also show how these problems, and their solutions are interconnected. By following the links inside the book, the reader will...
- Author:Waldinger, RobertSummary:
A New York Times bestseller. What makes for a happy life, a fulfilling life? A good life? In their "captivating" (The Wall Street Journal) book, the directors of the Harvard Study of Adult Development, the longest scientific...
- Author:Robertson, RitchieSummary:
The Enlightenment is the fountainhead of modern secular Western values: religious tolerance, freedom of thought, speech, and the press, of rationality and evidence based argument. Yet why, over three hundred years later is the...
- Author:Dobelli, RolfSummary:
Since antiquity, people have been asking themselves what it means to live a good life. How should I live? What constitutes a good life? What's the role of fate? What's the role of money? Is leading a good life a question of...
- Author:Summary:
Teaching can be a highly satisfying profession, but it can also be overwhelming. Through stories by diverse educators, this professional resource invites you to try different wellness strategies, explore varying perspectives, and...
- Author:Young, SeanSummary:
An award-winning psychologist and director of the UCLA Center for Digital Behavior shows everyone how to make real, lasting change in their lives.
- Author:Cook, Will, Williams, JanetSummary:
This comprehensive program will show you how you can have homegrown, garden-fresh, fruits and vegetables anytime and anywhere you want.
- Author:Goudreau, SylvieSummary:
Vous êtes convié à faire une incursion dans le quotidien d’une humaine (moi, en l’occurrence!), qui vit des expériences humaines et qui les transforme dans la douceur et la légèreté pour revenir graduellement, un pas à la fois, à l’Être...
- Author:Bellonzi, VincentSummary:
Health Recklessly Abandoned is designed to bring people up to date on research that is showing just how much impact we have on our own quality of life. Diseases that were once believed to be fate, or genetically programmed, are being...
- Author:Siebert, MelanieSummary:
Featuring real-life stories of people who have found hope and meaning in the midst of life's struggles, Heads Up: Changing Minds on Mental Health is the go-to guide for teenagers who want to know about mental health, mental illness,...
- Author:Townsend, ElizabethSummary:
- Author:Kobrin, Neil S.Summary:
Emotional Well-Being provides a rich illustration of how we developed emotionally and what we can do as adults to lead a happier, more meaningful life. It is written in a practical, highly accessible manner and has universal appeal...
- Author:Albright, Mary BethSummary:
A lively and evidence-based argument that a whole-food diet is essential for good mental healthFood has power to nourish your mind, supporting emotional wellness through both nutrients and pleasure. In this groundbreaking book,...
- Author:Chopra, DeepakSummary:
L'auteur et philosophe Deepak Chopra vous offre des réflexions, des pensées et des inspirations sur les grandes questions à propos de l’amour et des relations. Joignez-vous à l’auteur de best-sellers du New York Time dans une aventure...
- Author:Elder, HinemoaSummary:
Through 52 whatatauki - traditional Māori life lessons - Māori psychiatrist Dr Hinemoa Elder shares the power of Aroha and explores how it could help us all every day...The 52 life lessons are arranged into 4 chapters that introduce...