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The Midwich cuckoos

Formats disponibles :

  • Temps de fonctionnement: 01:54 hrs
    BBC Audiobooks, 2007
    Note: This book was purchased with support from the Government of Canada's Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability Component.
  • Accessibilité:
    • Navigation par rubriques
    Certified Accessible By: National Network for Equitable Library Service
    Temps de fonctionnement: 01:54 hrs
    BC Libraries Cooperative, 2024
    Note: This book was produced with support from the Government of Canada's Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability Component.


  • Contributor: Nighy, Bill; Parish, Sarah

    Driving back from a weekend in London, Richard and Janet Gayford are surprised to find the village of Midwich sealed off because of 'army manoeuvres'. There are no birds singing, the air seems thick and there is a strange sort of music in the air. It soon becomes clear that there is an invisible wall around the village, and everyone within the perimeter is unconscious. When the barrier lifts, the strange occurrence is put down to a gas leak. The villagers seem to have suffered no adverse effects from their 'day out' - until, some months later, there is an epidemic of pregnancies among the women. All the babies are born on the same day, all have golden eyes - and they can all communicate with each other telepathically. As they grow older and their powers grow stronger, the people of Midwich begin to feel threatened. Bill Nighy and Sarah Parish star in this unsettling tale of a village taken over by terrifying, inhuman children.

    Original Publisher: [Bath, England], BBC Audiobooks
    Language(s): English
    ISBN: 9781405678964, 1405678968