The fourth installment in the "Chicken Soup for the Soul" series promises to be even more popular than its predecessors. This time, everyone's favorite authors are joined by America...
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Auteur: CANFIELD, JackSommaire:
Auteur: CANFIELD, JackSommaire:
Your wedding is one of the most beautiful and memorable times of your life. Seemingly trivial moments become profound events. From heartfelt moments to humorous mishaps, this inspiring book puts...
Genre: Anecdotes -
A 6th bowl of Chicken soup for the soul : 101 more stories to open the heart and rekindle the spirit
Auteur: CANFIELD, JackSommaire:Another inspiring collection of new stories, anecdotes and tales. In the tradition of all the books in the original Chicken Soup series, this volume focuses on love; parents and parenting;...
Genre: Anecdotes