As their summer on Gull Island continues, the four twelve-year-old Callahan girls busy themselves with redecorating the Dorm, dealing with their mean neighbor Sloan, and uncovering a secret about...
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Auteur: Carey, Elizabeth DoyleSommaire:Genre: Juvenile fiction
Auteur: Carey, Elizabeth DoyleSommaire:
The twelve-year-old Callahan cousins are staying at their grandmother's rambling seaside estate for a whole summer without parents, but when the usually shy Kate tries to become the "cool" girl in...
Genre: Juvenile fiction -
Auteur: Carey, Elizabeth DoyleSommaire:
Four girl cousins spend summer vacation together with their grandmother on Gull Island.
Genre: Juvenile fiction -
Auteur: Carey, Elizabeth DoyleSommaire:
As the four Callahan cousins spend winter break at their grandmother Gee's estate on Gull Island, they fill their time with such activities as sledding, snowman contests, caroling, and a drama-...
Genre: Juvenile fiction