Ten-year-old Caitlin, who has Asperger's Syndrome, struggles to understand emotions, show empathy, and make friends at school, while at home she seeks closure by working on a project with her...
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Auteur: Erskine, KathrynSommaire:Genre: Juvenile fiction
Auteur: Erskine, KathrynSommaire:
Fourteen-year-old Mike, whose father is a brilliant mathematician but who has no math aptitude himself, spends the summer in rural Pennsylvania with his elderly and eccentric relatives Moo and...
Genre: Juvenile fiction -
Auteur: Erskine, KathrynSommaire:
Friends can help us understand the world and ourselves, opening our eyes to unique cultures and ideas. In a story that travels the globe, it's easy to see how the world is a community made up of...
Genre: Juvenile fiction, Picture books