A gritty tragi-comic fairy tale of sexual obsession and longing, based in equal parts on the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice and the spaghetti westerns of Sergio Leone, Once Upon A Time In West...
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Auteur: Favro, TerriSommaire:Genre: Canadian fiction
Auteur: Favro, TerriSommaire:
In Niagara of the 1960s, a mysterious proxy bride arrives from Italy to marry a candy shop owner with crime connections, only to fall in love with her proxy husband’s teenaged son. Part fairy tale...
Genre: General fiction, Canadian fiction -
Auteur: Favro, TerriSommaire:
A literary, genre-bending novel full of heart
Cult comic book creator Debbie Reynolds Biondi has been riding the success of her Cold War era–inspired superhero...
Genre: Canadian fiction, Science fiction -
Auteur: Favro, TerriSommaire:
An odyssey wrapped in a love story, set in a near-future of artificial people The Sisters Sputnik are a time-traveling trio of storytellers-for-hire who are much in demand throughout the...
Genre: Apocalyptic fiction, Science fiction