On the cusp of an evil plot to overthrow the Kingdom of Alloway, fifteen-year-old Donavah finds herself a pawn in the hands of an evil mage. In the culmination of this imaginative saga of dragons...
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Auteur: Garrison, TerieSommaire:Genre: Young adult fiction, Fantasy fiction
Auteur: Garrison, TerieSommaire:
The third book in the imaginative DragonSpawn Cycle begins as Donavah and the red dragon Xyla narrowly escape the dreaded dragonmasters. Suddenly they are transported from the midst of a deadly...
Genre: Young adult fiction, Fantasy fiction -
Auteur: Garrison, TerieSommaire:
It is unlawful for anyone but cruel King Erno to have dragons. So when Donavah finds one, newly hatched, in her brother Breyard’s room, she begs him to let it go. The Royal Guard discovers the...
Genre: Young adult fiction, Fantasy fiction -
Auteur: Garrison, TerieSommaire:
In this captivating sequel to AutumnQuest, Donavah is learning to control her vast maejic powers under the tutelage of Yallick, a revered mage. Maejic is outlawed in Alloway, and dreadful news of...
Genre: Fantasy fiction, Young adult fiction