Un libro della serie ‘Gli opposti si attraggono’ Appena arrivato dai boschi del Minnesota, lo studente di scienze attuariali Ben Dutoit è entusiasta di aver ottenuto uno stage alla Sydney...
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Auteur: Gayle, A. B.Sommaire:Genre: Romance fiction
Auteur: Gayle, A. B.Sommaire:
Fresh from backwoods Minnesota, actuarial student Ben Dutoit is ecstatic to land a job with Sydney Sutherland Family Insurance, one of the few companies that offers life insurance to people in the...
Genre: Romance fiction -
Auteur: Gayle, A. B.Sommaire:
When Daniel's invalid landlady asks for his help preventing a possible suicide from the clifftop near their home, he doesn't want to disappoint her. So he grits his teeth, picks up his camera, and...
Genre: Romance fiction