In the charming small town of Cherico, Mississippi, the Cherry Cola Book Club meets to discuss classic Southern literature, sample favorite dishes--and share their unique stories... Two wonderful...
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Auteur: Lee, AshtonSommaire:
Auteur: Lee, AshtonSommaire:
In the quirky Southern town of Cherico, Mississippi, a new library means an exciting new chapter for librarian Maura Beth McShay-and for the friends and book lovers known as the Cherry Cola Book...
Auteur: Lee, AshtonSommaire:
Lovers of small town fiction are going to fall in love with The Reading Circle ." --Marie Bostwick, author of Between Heaven and Texas. Welcome to the quirky town of Cherico, Mississippi, where...
Genre: Humorous fiction -
Auteur: Lee, AshtonSommaire:
Christmas is coming to the small town of Cherico, Mississippi, and there's no better way to prepare than with the Cherry Cola Book Club's feast of good food, good books-and good people. Cherico's...
Auteur: Lee, AshtonSommaire:
In the colorful small town of Cherico, Mississippi, librarian Maura Beth McShay is preparing for an exciting new installment in her own life story-with some help from the Cherry Cola Book Club....
Genre: Humorous fiction